6.5 Pablo Picasso

By jmeza24
  • Picasso Early Life

    Picasso father was a painter and professor of art. Who was also impressed by Picasso drawing and a early age. His mother has also said that Picasso first words were trying to ask for a pencil. In 1891 when Picasso was 10 years old the family moved to a fine art school where they hired his father to be a professor. After living there for four year his father already felt like Picasso surpassed him in art. The family had moved in 1895 after Picasso sister had passed away from Diptheria.
  • Pablo Picasso birth

    Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain, to Don Jose Ruiz Y Blasco and Maria Picasso Y Lopez.
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    Pablo Picasso Life

  • Pablo Picasso beginning his career

    Pablo Picasso career began at the age of 13.
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    The blue period

    The period where Picasso experienced poverty and its effect on society around him. Picasso work during this time was malnutrition, prostution, and portraits of a friend Carlos Casagemas after his suicide.
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    The Rose Period

    This is when Picasso overcame some of his depression. This was the time where he met his lover. Who was a bohemain artist named Fernande Oliver. Who had appeared in many of Picasso paintings.
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    African Influence

    This was around the time where Paul Cezanne had passed away which was in 1906. This is when Picasso had finally realized the impact of his artistic achivement. Then he painted Les Demoiselles d'vigon which was his first art masterpiece. When Picasso has made this painting it was like the art world collapsed. With the new strategies Picasso suddenly found freedom of expression away from current frech influences and was able to carve his own path.
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    Paul Cezanne and Vincent Van Gogh both inspired Picasso to do cubism. During this period Picasso used mainly neutral colors. Cubism, especially the second form, known as synthetic cubism, played a great role in the development of western art world.
  • Neoclassicism, Surrealsim, and Sculpture

    In 1917 Picasso made his first trip to itatly where he promptly began a period of tribute to neoclassical style. He drew and painted both Raphael and Ingres. Picasso effortlessly began to combine his mondernisnt concepts with his skill into surrealist materpieces like Guerinca.
  • Final years

  • Pablo Picasso Death