
The East India Company

  • Jan 1, 1533

    Elizabeth the first

    Elizabeth the first
    granted charter for the eic and created the first joint stock company
  • EIC founded

    EIC founded
    had a rival company that later on merged
  • King James the first

    King James the first
    became king after elizabeth died and got control over the eic
  • eic act of 1773

    eic act of 1773
    a act that seperated eastern colonies for 11 years
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    act of protest by the american colonist against the british governments to destroy crates of tea in boston
  • Pitts india act

    Pitts india act
    enactment of the british parliment to bring the eic under the british governments control
  • acts of 1786

    acts of 1786
    imposed a limit on the liabilty of the company
  • Charter act of 1813

    Charter act of 1813
    led to the company gaining control of all india except punjab sind and nepal
  • charter act of1833

    charter act of1833
    another lease of the indian territories to the eic
  • charter act of 1853

    charter act of 1853
    gave powers and india territorys back to the eic
  • indian rebellion

    indian rebellion
    a mutiny of the east india companys militia
  • eic dissolved

    eic dissolved
    The crown had the eic dissolved becuase of a rebellion