Civil War Timeline

By acshean
  • Confederate States take over

    Confederate States take over
    The Confederate soldiers take over
  • Abraham Lincoln's inauguration

    Abraham Lincoln's inauguration
    Only two southern forts remained in Union hands
  • Confederate batteries began thundering away

  • Virginia unwilling to fight against other Southern states

  • Britain announces nuetrality

  • Seven Days Battle starts

    Seven Days Battle starts
    The beginning of the Seven Days Battle
  • End of the Seven Days Battle

    End of the Seven Days Battle
    The end of the Seven Days Battle
  • 3 months after Fort Sumter fell

    3 months after Fort Sumter fell
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    Troops won a resounding victory at the Second Battle of Bull Run
  • Fight beside Creek Antietiam

    Fight beside Creek Antietiam
    Two armies fought besides Creek Antietam
  • Lincoln fires Mclellan

    Lincoln fires Mclellan
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Only frees slaves on Confederate
  • Western counties secede from Virginia

    Western counties of Virginia were anti-slavery, so they seceded from Virgnia and were admitted into the Union as West Virginia in 1863
  • Draft Riots

    Draft Riots
    Violent disturbances in New York City because a law was passed for men to keep fighting the Civil War
  • Fort Pillow

    Fort Pillow
    Started about a massacre of surrendered African-American troops conducted or condoned