The Cold War

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Yalta ConferenceThe dividing up of Germany
    The formation of the United Nations
    German war reparations
    The entry of Soviet forces into the Far-Eastern front (Japan)
    The final, and most difficult issue, the future of Poland
  • US use of Atomic Bomb

    US use of Atomic Bomb
    The US drops the bomb on Japan to end the war.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    Wistson Churchill give the Iron Curtain speech
  • NATO created

    NATO created
    North Atlanitic Treaty Organaization
  • Soviet Bomb

    The Soviet Union explode their first Atomic bomb
  • Communist China

    Communist China
    Mao Zedong takes control of china
  • Communstist Witch Hunt

    Communstist Witch Hunt
    Joe McCarthy begins the hunt for communists in America
  • Korean War

    US enters war against N. Korea in defense of democracy.
  • KGB

    KGB formed, this is the agency of intell and secert policing.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in eastern communist Europe
  • Sputnik

    The Space Race
    The first orbiting satellite in the world from the Soviet Union. At this time the USSR is more advanced than the US
  • Communist Takeover Cuba

    Communist Takeover Cuba
    Fiedel Castro creates a communist regime in Cuba
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    bay of Pigs
    American lead Cuban exiles attempt to takeover CUba but fail
  • Berlin Boarder Closed

    Berlin Boarder Closed
    Boarder between american and soviet sectors of berlin closed
  • Cuban Missel Crisis

    Cuban Missel Crisis
    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Nuclear weapon deploment centers found in Cuba
  • Vietnam

    150,000 troops sent to Veitnam
  • Spy Plane

    US spy plane shot down over sviet territory.
  • Moon

    Apollo 13 lands on the moon
  • Cease Fire

    Cease fire in Vietnam between US and N. Vietnam
  • SALT I

    Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
  • Iran Hostage

    Iran Hostage
    44 Americans in the US embassy held capitve in Iran for 444 days
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    Nicknamed star wars, this was to protect US from Russin nukes by using satlights that would shoot them down
  • Berlin Wall falls

    Berlin Wall falls
    The Berlin Wall is brought down, uniteing east and west berlin.
  • Warsaw Pact ends

    The treaty system of USSR is no more
  • USSR disolves

    USSR disolves
    Cold war ends, USSR is split into many differnt nations.