Cold War Kayla McCardle

  • NATO

    NATO, witch stands for, North atlantic Treaty organization. The united states, canada and ten other countires formed the NATO. They formed this because, if they were attacted that they would help eachother out, so they only did this to make them selfs a bigger army to help eachother out. But the warsaw pact felt like they needed just as bigg as an army so thats when the waraw pact started up.
  • Nuclear arms and detente

    Nuclear arms and detente
    At first the united states was the only nuclear powered. 1949 soviet union had also developed nuclear weapons. 1953 both sides had devolped hydrogen bombs.
  • Chinese civil war

    Chinese civil war
  • Korean conflict

    Korean conflict
    They split up into two rival forces, and tried to take over one anothers side of korea. South korea tried to take over noth korea a bunch of times.
  • Vietnam conflict

    Vietnam conflict
    Noth vs. the south.The both wanted to rule but they could agree. But western powers agreed to temorary divided vietnam, all the cnflicted started just because, the divided vietnam.
  • Warsaw Pact

    The warsaw pact was created only because of NATO.
    They wated to be just as good and big as them, so they could defend themselfs. The warsaw pact included the soviets, and 7 satellites in eastern europe.
  • soviet union falls.

    soviet union falls.
    Stalin's soviet union came out from world war 2 as a super power with an eastern europe sphere of influence stretching from the baltic to the balkins.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The berlin wall "was a massiveconcreat barrier" It was bulit to split the city democraticly. west, and eastern berlin. But, in 1961 Germany bulit a wall that sealed off wast berlin. It was basicly bulit so that so the west could imagrent over to the east
  • Soviets in afganistan

    Soviets in afganistan
    Soviets became involved in a long war with afganistan because, afganistan landlords commanded armed men as warlords and muslim conservativs charged that both politics threatened islamic tradition. when the warlords took up arms againts the goverment soviet troops moved in.
  • Eastern european independence

    Eastern european independence
    Eastern Europe demanded for freedom once again.