7.2- Exosystem
One experience that my dad had that shaped his parenting of me involved learning how to raise a child with A.D.D. My father tells me that my oldest brother was diagnosed when he was 4 because his behavior was uncontrollable, and he wasn't speaking. He learned in counseling how to be consistent and manage behavior in children. My father was thus always very consistent with me, and held his ground in discipline and correction, which he said occurred minimally. -
1.1 Birth
Magnificence -
2.4- APGAR
During this time, the nurses evaluated Nicolai’s health based on his heart rate, color, body temperature, reflexes, respiratory effort, weight, and other size measures as well as blood pressure. Nicolai was in great health. He had a strong heart rate, was mostly pink, temperature of 98.1 degrees Fahrenheit, responsive reflexes when lifted or when he had his arms pulled, he started crying hard. Based on these data, Nicolai should have scored a 9 on the APGAR. -
4.2- First Word
I heared that my first word was either “mama” or “baba”. My first word directly relates to the text. The book states that “children’s first words are most frequently nominals, labels for objects, people, or events.” Furthermore, childrens early words usually refer to important people or objects, (ie. Parents, relatives, pets, or familiar objects). Either word fits the norm described. They are both nominals; they name a person (my mother) or an object (a bottle); and they're important. -
5.1- Kohlberg's & Gender
Based on the video, I would say that Parker is between 2 and 3 years old. She did not demonstrate a firm understanding of gender identity for herself, or for others. When asked about various people, Parker would occasionally get their gender right. However, she seemed to answer in streaks of boy and girl, and would give different answers for the same people. It’s possible she only changed her answers because she was asked more than once, demonstrating her lack of understanding. -
7.1- Parental Strategies
My father tells me that he felt very confident in raising me and in his methods, demonstrating efficacy. Also, he mentioned that I had developed early on a strong moral ethic, and was very willing to abide by the rules of my father and accept his guidance. In other words, I exhibited committed compliance in my "eagerness" to listen and comply with his direction. My father mentioned that he was very consistent with me, and he seems to have learned to interpret my behavior as not malicious. -
4.1- Memory
In my earliest memory, I don’t remember my age. I’m standing at the bottom of our stairs during the end of a birthday party, and my mom is walking my grandfather to the door to say goodbye. The most fitting autobiographical memory theory for the experience is probably that which involves the realization that physical self has continuity in time. I remember this event because it’s the first time I feel my own presence as an individual, as the theory mentioned above describes. -
8.1- Children and Television
When I was between 3-4 years old, I religiously watched “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” every day. I couldn’t really understand the character’s motives, but I remember the end of the movie with the fight between Roger Rabbit and Judge Doom, and Jessica Rabbit’s capture. I remembered explicit content, and felt that the end of the movie was real because of my age and my ability to “understand” the scene. I was too young to comprehend the implicit content, so I don’t remember much else. -
3.1- Preoperational Magnetism
Children in Piaget’s preoperational stage are between ages 2 and 7. They are capable of symbolic thought, pretend play, and are egocentric. They are not capable of comprehending reversibility or conservation. Therefore, I would teach magnetism by reading a fun story about it, explaining the vocab., and then distributing magnets and materials for each child to test for the forces of magnetism. The children would see which materials the magnets pushed or pulled. -
8.2- School Transitions
My transition into kindergarten is very relevant to the material. My birthday is on Dec. 4; I am just beyond the “cut-off date”, and I started a year later than my peers born a few days before me. Some of my success in school was attributed to my older age, and it was said that I had more time to develop and learn at home, which made me prepared, “more advanced” and “further developed”. Now I see that it’s a valid point, but controversial. -
5.2- Encouraging Gender Schemas
I can’t remember many actions or strategies that were used in my kindergarten classroom that indicated gender was important. I can mostly only remember objects that were present, and playing with certain ones. The closest thing that I can come up with now is that there were blocks, a playhouse, an in-class library, a balance, and an incubator with chicken eggs. We were not encouraged to be like stereotypes, but boys gravitated towards blocks, while girls played with the house and read books. -
6-1 Basic Emotions
A very specific time that I remember experiencing a basic emotion was when I was staying with my uncle and his family for the weekend. I became very sad and upset, and cried because I didn’t want to be away from home. This is one example of how I used a basic emotion such as sadness to resolve a situation. I was eventually taken home to my parents because I was inconsolable. -
1.2 Theories
My parents divorced when I was 7 years old. Bandura would use social learning theory to explain my decision making in relationships. I’ve learned that family is not easily or harmlessly formed or dissolved. By observing the actions of my parents and family, I’ve learned to tell truths, communicate my feelings, evaluate my intentions, honor relationships, and treat people with dignity and respect. -
1.3 Methods
Teachers always need accurate data from their students to evaluate effectiveness of their methods. After a 3rd grade science lesson, I could give an assessment, written at kindergarten or 1st grade level, asking students to show learning through diverse entry points (writing, drawing, speaking, acting, etc.) to level the language playing field. The assignment assesses students’ learning of stated objectives in the lesson, part of a 1 year longitudinal study, giving context to performance. -
6.2- Self Control
From about 10 to 16 years old, I maintained self-control and delay of gratification. My father taught me to save my money in a bank account, and this is what I did for about 6 years. I waited for holidays or birthdays to get the things that I wanted, and refrained from spending my savings. At 16, I caved to gratification and spent it on a hobby that I thought I would make more money from, and would still enjoy later. -
3.2- Concrete Magnetism
Children in Piaget’s concrete operational stage are between ages 7 and 11. Thinking is decentered and non-egocentric, and they can understand conservation and reversibility. Therefore, I would introduce the kids to the magnets and associated vocabulary, and then play a freeze-tag game with them to demonstrate how magnetism works, and how magnets react to different materials. I would separate children in a classroom into different teams that represent positive and negative, wood and iron. -
2.1 Passive Gene Environment Correlation
A quality that was instilled in me by my parents is my conservative attitude towards money. My father decided that I was going to do chores to help out with the household, get paid for those chores, and save my earnings in a savings account. Because of my father’s persistence, I accumulated a large chunk of money from my childhood until my high school years. Financially, I developed into the person I am today because of my father’s actions. -
7.4- Friendship
I was friends with a boy named Tony during middle childhood. He was my best friend, and I did not rely on him to hold my secrets and share emotions with. Like the text says, we had a typical friendship for boys, that emphasized autonomy and emotional reserve. We did have a somewhat extensive friendship in that we both had friends that we would bring together sometimes. However, at times I was more intensive because I liked to play with just one person. -
3.3- Imaginary Audience
I remember having body insecurities in the sixth grade, thinking that everybody was staring at my round stomach, and that my chest was too big for a boy. There was a swimming party where every kid was told to get together for a group photo outside the pool. I had been fine earlier because nobody could see me underwater. The photo was extremely embarrassing. So that nobody could look back and see my extra fat, I crossed my arms and sucked in my stomach. I know I was overly self-conscious. -
6.3- Diffusion
My ideas of my future career (I was in my freshman year of high school) were almost entirely unexplored. I was not looking for options, and didn’t even know how to go about doing such a search. My attitude towards choosing a career consisted of hopelessness and a general lack of enthusiasm. I didn’t feel like trying to find out my future career because I felt completely overwhelmed with the immensity of the decision and the lack of search tools available to me. -
2.2 Active Gene Environment Correlation
An instance of active gene environment correlation in my own life consists of my competitive attitude, or lack thereof. I was able to pursue a non-competitive lifestyle, as it pertains to academic performance, athleticism, and other factors. I was not forced to be competitive, and I chose to be active in school and sports in ways that allowed me to challenge myself, but not my peers. My gymnastics and cross-country athleticism were both relatively uncompetitive. -
7.3- Crowds and Cliques
Throughout my adolescence I was probably part of the “brains” crowd in school. I was ranked extremely high in my class, and people I was associated with were in advanced placement courses and honors programs. My clique was more based out of friends from the cross-country team. We would practice and run daily, and some of us enjoyed our spare time together in and ouside of school as well. I wasn’t in a crowd of jocks or athletes because I was strongest in academics. -
6.4- Moratorium
I had a disagreement with my brother, which somehow opened into political statements of identity. My brother made an offensive statement about a political group, and claimed to be of the opposing group, and I immediately knew two things. I needed to find my stance, and I was willing to declare belonging to the group he opposed because I rejected his beliefs. I call it foreclosure because I started exploring my options, and only immaturely claimed an identity before fully exploring it. -
2.3 Evocative Gene Environment Correlation
One example of an evocative correlation in my life could be “outgoingness”, assuming that there is some genetic basis for that trait. I was a high-achiever in early elementary school, and my parents chose to encourage me to pursue academic excellence and extra-curricular activities. Thus, my parents created a supportive environment in which my genetic predisposition was supported and enhanced. As I got older, I became college driven and active in the community.