7.2- Exosystem
An experience was being raised a Christian, my mom appreciated the preciousness of children. Hold sacred and preciousness to love the child. Nurturing and sensitivity. Thus, she raised me with the idea that I was her world. Her religion influenced how she treated me.
She used past experiences that she liked as a child. She wanted me to taste every fruit to find out my favorite. -
1.1- Birth
7.1- Parental Strategies
My mom followed Joseph Chilton Pearce. He believes that active, imaginative play is the most important of all childhood activities because that cultivates a mastery of one's environment. Children without that form of play develop a feeling of isolation and anxiety. He also believes that child parent bonding is important, and in breast feeding. My mom used time-outs and positive reinforcements and enrolled me in a large quantity of activities. She followed his book. She nurtured and set limits. -
4.2- First Word
Nominals are words that label objects, people, or events; the first type of words most children produce. My first word was a nominal; mommy, representing a person important in my life that I was in close proximity to every day. This does not surprise me considering my dependence on her at a young age. -
2.1- Passive Gene Environment Correlation
My mother created an environment where I could be very active and social. She enrolled me in various activities while growing up, such as swimming, horseback riding, roller-skating, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, dance team, track and field, band, choir, and more. Many of these she did as a child. I was able to always be involved in something and practiced these activities in my home. Thus, my mother created an environment for me that was in harmony with her own interests and preferences. -
4.1- Memory
My theory is understanding the self as a psychological entity. The realization that the self has continuity in life, lays the foundation for the emergence of an autobiographical memory, memory for specific events. My earliest memory was at 4 years old when I would always ask my mom, “when will I turn five?” This demonstrates that I realized I would age in life and I wanted to know when my specific event/birthday would come. Relating the memory to an event made it easier to remember. -
5.1- Kohlberg's & Gender
Based on Kohlber's theory, Parker seems to be around the age of 4. She distinguishes well during the first exercise of deciding rather her aunt is a woman and a grandpa is a man, etc. However, she does not have consistancy in the next exercise, she ends up calling most kids a boy. Gender identity is developed around the ages of two-three which she seems to have but is still mastering. She is just going through gender stability, that gender does not change over time. -
6.1- Basic Emotions
I experienced a basic emotion when I was in Kindergarten and my best friend at the time invited me to her birthday party at her house. She had a doughboy swimming pool and I experienced joy for being invited and swimming with all of our friends. The basic emotion served as an adaptive function, helping show my appreciation of my friends. The adaptive function was related to socialization and making friends. Showing joy lets them know I care about them and appreciation of the invite. -
3.1- Preoperational Magnetism
Children can use a symbol, object, or word to stand for something. To teach a 5 year old, I would use a small fishing pole, likely a stick w/ a string tied to it and a magnet at the bottom of the string. Next to it I would have a bucket full of paper clips, other metal objects and some nonmetal objects. I would help the child hold the pole and tell him attached is a magnet that attracts things made of metal. You will lower it in the bucket and only what it picks up will be made out of metal. -
3.2 Concrete Magnetism
Area, volume, length, numbers etc. are understood. I would have both metal and non-metal objects and challenge the child, maybe a 9 year old, to try to guess what object would be attracted. I would give a magnet and describe that it attracts metal objects. Say, there are some metal and non-metal objects on the table. The child becomes a thinker if he/she can apply his/her logic. I would have the child see which object picks up and ask if it was metal or nonmetal. -
8.1- Children and Television
When I was younger, I used to watch “Full House.” I remember realizing that the people on television were actors and wishing I could be like the character Stephanie Tanner probably when I was around 8 or 9. I liked the show because of the children being girls I was able to relate to them. I did realize that it was a story line that changed each episode and I enjoyed seeing each episode change. -
1.2- Theories
Erikson believes we face different emotional challenges at different years. I moved from CA to OR when I was 10. This move was early enough for me to adapt to my new surroundings and form new friendships early. My move went from a metropolitan area to a small town of 750 people. This was a big change for me not only beginning to realize soon I would know everyone and their business but also move from a more diverse population to a mostly Native American Indian and Caucasian pop. -
7.4- Friendship
In the 5th grade I moved to OR and made a new best friend, Vanessa. This friendship developed by being in the same class and starting to play with her and her group of friends at recess. This group of friends was smaller (the text says girls have smaller groups) and soon Vanessa and I became known as “separated at the hip” as we progressed into the next two years. This friendship helped me adjust to the new state I was living in and gain more confidence like the text says. -
5.2 Encouraging Gender Schemas
I don't remember much about gender schemas in ele. school. I do remember girls having more pastel colors in their lunch boxes and clothes and boys having more darker colors and action figures. In this sense boys and girls were usually more separated. Girls played games like jump rope while boys played things like basketball. Focusing on things less gender schematic would to offer many games that both boys and girls can play together at recess. Also have neutral colors for PE clothes etc. -
1.3 Methods
A time when it might be important to get accurate data from kids could be before they go through puberty and during puberty when their body and thoughts are chanigng a lot. I could study and compare how their thoughts change and how they develop. This would be a prime time with so many changes to access how they change according to the typical teen. -
8.2- School Transitions
My transition to Junior High School wasn't very difficult. Living in a small town, the junior high was combined with the high school just across the street. I made the transition with a class of students that I already knew well and was easy to move together. I was getting better at school and enjoyed the change of moving from class to class. I was able to participate in more activities. The small town enabled more personal realtionships with teachers, contrary to some transitions in the text. -
2.2- Active Gene Environment Correlation
My choice to continue with some activities and not continue with others. I was involved in track and field and the dance team from 7th grade through 12th grade. I was involved in choir from 7th through 11th grade, and band from 5th-11th grade. I chose to continue with these activities for as long as I did because they became my passions. Though these activities were initially pushed early from my mother, I was able to take them as far as I wanted. I took over choosing what environment I wanted. -
2.3- Evocative Gene Environment Correlation
An example would be in high school I was an honor roll student, and everyone knew me as a "good girl". As a result of this reputation, teachers would send me to run errands for them because they knew I would not roam the halls and cause trouble, but do the task and come back in a speedy time. I was trustworthy and because of my traits, was sent on trips that enabled me to get a break from the classroom more often also because my work was done early sometimes. -
3.3- Imaginary Audience
The adolescent is able to think with logic, flexibility, abstractness, and organization. I used my imaginary audience with my own scrutiny while preparing for a band concert at 15 years old. I played the trumpet in a small school and was the only trumpet for a few years. The trumpet was easy to hear and I did not know a part of a song very well, so during the concert I thought everyone would hear me mess up and make fun of me, so I did not play the part at all. I thought of my self and others . -
6.2- Self control
A time when I experienced a lack of self- control was at 16 when I was supposed to clean the house before leaving on a trip. The excitement of the trip led me to flee my house early before finishing all of the chores to pick up my freinds for the trip. This lack of self-control is related to a delay-of-gratification skill. I was asked to wait until after I was done with my chores to leave. My self-control lacked and I gave up early. I did not fully finish my demand for competent action. -
6.3- Forclosure
I was in Identity Foreclosure during my senior year of high school. I was ready to commit to goals for the future such as the goal to obtain a college education. I conformed to the expectations of others, though I knew I wanted to go to college, it was an expectation of my family. I allowed my brother to basically pick my college and major because I was unsure of where I wanted to go and what I wanted to major in. -
7.3- Crowds and Cliques
A clique is a peer group of 5 to 10 children who frequently interact together. A crowd is a large group of peers characterized by specific traits or reputation. My crowd consisted of the "good kids" who were smart and had their lives together. Some partied, some did not but they all kept composed. My clique was a subgroup of my crowd- consisting of the good kids, but some from my grade and some from the grade below me. Overall, I fell into the category and kept it around me. -
2.4- APGAR
Nicolai's color was a nice pink except for a little blue on the feet and hands. His temperature under his armpit was 98.9 which seemed regular. He was crying well. His weight and measurements were all normal. He was responsive to touch and seemed to clinch his hands a lot. Based on the Apgar, I would give the newborn a 1 on color because his hands and feet were a little blue. I would give him a 9 overall. He has an active motion, vigorous cry, and good heart beat. He seemed perfectly healthy. -
6.4- Moratorium
Now, after four years of college, I will finish my degree when this summer session is over. With one goal out of the way, I am now ready to make a commitment to a career. I am in a crisis because I am still unsure of the path I want to follow. I am about to explore many options and make a choice hopefully soon for what I want to do for the upcoming years of my life post college.