
By amalik1
  • 7.2 - Exosystem

    7.2 - Exosystem
    When my mother was 15 years old, she landed her first job at a civil rights lobbying committee in London. She says that she was the first South Asian woman to get the job ever, and she places all of that on her high high-school GPA at the time. She was able to make 10 pounds a day for a 5 hours work day, a great salary at the time. She told me that one moment made her realize the important of schooling, and she vowed that when she had children, they would need to be properly schooled.
  • 1.1 Birth

    I was born at 11:47 a.m., which coincidentally was 5 minutes away from the time my mother was born 1959.
  • 4.2 First Word

    My first was Lourdes, my baby-sitter at the time. I was with her almost all of the day as both my mom and dad worked full time. Lourdes was a nominal word, but it is a little odd that it was my first word because its a rather complex word and label for a young child to say, compared to Mom and Dad. Nonetheless, as she was an important part of my life, it makes sense I would say that nominal over others.
  • 4.1 Memory

    The first memory I have is of me pulling my dad's (unforunate) laptop around using the ethernet cord. I dont' remember being scolded, I just remember my mother actually laughing at me. I would suggest Piaget's hypothesis on emerging verbal skills because at that I point I was able to communicate back to my mother to tell her "not to worry, I'm going to clean it"
  • 3.1 Preoperational Magnetism

    3.1 Preoperational Magnetism
    In order to teach them about magnetism, I would use animism as a way of conveying the magnetic forces. I would tell the child that the magnets "like" each other if they are opposite polarizations, and they "don't like" each other when they are the same polarizations. This way they can understand through their emotions how these two magnets would either move towards or push away from each other.
  • 1.2 Theories

    1.2 Theories
    On this day I moved away from my birthhome in San Jose to the suburbs of Fremont, CA. Bronfenbrenner would see this change of locale as in a perfect example of the how a changing environment can directly impact the development of a child. I moved to a much denser city with many more people, so as a child I was able to interact more and met many other people of different races, giving me a much broader view of the world around me.
  • 2.1 - Passive Gene Environment Correlation

    When I was younger I had the ability to pick up foreign languages quite easily, with little to no external help. My parents were very open-minded and traveled, so much so that they had two homes in Mexico and the U.K. As a young child I traveled around the world and with my genetic predisposition I was able to immerse myself in new cultures and new languages, learning a lot more about myself by being put into the environment my parents loved.
  • 6.1 Self-Conscious Emotions

    One of the most vivid examples of self-conscious emotions I've experienced is the time when I went to my friend's fourth birthday party at golfland. I was very jealous at his skill at golf, and he was consistently beating me at the arcade games as well. I remember sitting on the bench myself for a while and not listening to my mother telling me to cheerr up. Eventually I found a game I was good at so I became less jealous.
  • 8.1 - Children and Television

    There was one specific incident I can remember where as a child I was unable to distinguish the fact that the people on the telvision were actors, and most of the scenes that occurred were fictional. I watched Back to the Future when I was 4 years old, and I always thought the evens that happened were real. I also don't remember much explicit content about the plot, I just remembered that the car accelerated to 88 mph before travelling through time.
  • 7.1 Parental Strategies

    7.1 Parental Strategies
    One particular event that I feel shows my parent's great self-efficacy is the one time I wanted a new hotwheels race-track, even though I had just gotten another to the previous day. I remember sitting down in the store and just started yelling. My parents reacted fast, they took away the previous toy they had bought me and put me in time out as soon as I returned home. My parents were very confident in their parenting skills, and they knew they could control my behavior.
  • 6.2 Self-Control

    The best example of delay of gratification I remember demonstrating was not eating part of the teacher's cake when she left the room in 1st grade. There were only 6 of us that day in the room because we were the "early-birds", but everyone else started to eat. When she came back I was the only one who waited so I was rewarded with cake and cookies. I felt guilty because she was nice enough to use her own money, so I restrained myself.
  • 7.3 Crowds and Cliques

    7.3 Crowds and Cliques
    When I was 8 years old, I was most likely considered to be part of a "brains" clique. I had a big crowed of friends where we all liked to play wallball, but my clique was in honors and pretty smart compared to other children. Our "brains" stereotype was more prevelant in the classroom. The weird part was that we never considered outselves to be smart, other children thought we were just smarter. We also didn't look at our friends are "the brains", we were just friends based on our personalities
  • 3.2 Concrete Magnetism

    At this point in development it would be a lot simpler to explain to the child about the presence of a magnetic field around the earth, and then showing the child that the two parts of a magnet attract each other because of this field. I would try to use their new understanding of transivitiy to show how because the magnets attract each other, and there is a magnetic field, magnets are attracted to the magnetic field.
  • 2.3 Evocative Gene Environment Correlation

    2.3 Evocative Gene Environment Correlation
    When I was about 9 years old my parents noticed me trying to surf in our pool using a small boogie board. I kept doing this over and over so much so that my parents decided to take me boating one day. I found a natural abilitiy to water-skii and from there learned I had great skill in many different watersports.
  • 1.3 Methods

    It would be important to test gender roles in terms of purchasing and operating cars. To test this I would show a group of boys and girls a set of pictures each with stereotypical girl and boys cars and then correlate their responses to see what kind of cars they prefer, and then use this data to determine which cars sell better to which group, thus making a business more successful.
  • 2.2 Active Gene Environment Correlation

    At age 12 I noticed that I enjoyed Programming and C++ a lot more than most kids, so went down the local community college where I could take a free Programming class. In that class I met a lot of other kids who were just like me and had the same desires, so I learned a lot from them. I immersed myself in an environment where my skills were more applicable to the things around me, allowing me to further my learning.
  • 8.2 - School Transitions

    8.2 - School Transitions
    One of the most difficult transitions I ever experienced was the change between elementary school and junior high. I had a very hard time adjusting to the fact that I had different classes every period. My grades plummeted and my parents hired a lot of different tutors in order to get my grades up. My self-image dropped as fast as my self-esteem did, and I was only able to recover once I was a sophomore in high-school.
  • 3.3 Imaginary Audience

    3.3 Imaginary Audience
    When I was twelve years old I had brace put on my upper and lower teeth. I was pretty self-conscious at this time as I had just gotten glasses a few weeks earlier. Everyone else had already had braces when we were in elementary school, so I was one of the last ones to have them in high-school. This made me a little out of place. This seems like a good example of formal operational stage because I used the logic of "everyone else doesn't have it, why should I" to dislike my braces.
  • 6.3 Foreclosure - Politics

    At this time in my life I was extremely liberal in my beliefs, but I had never conisdered the other spectrum. I had only picked up my parent's beliefs and considered any conservative beliefs to be wrong and unneeded in any debate. I blamed all of societies problems on people not being liberal enough.
  • 2.4 APGAR

    Nicholai's color was body pink but his feet were party blue. He had a vigorous cry, and lots of active motion. He cried a lot, but from what I heard the nurse read a pulse of 91. This gets him an 8 out of 10 on the APGAR scale. In terms of other neonatal health, he did not have any visible deformities and all his limbs seemed fully developed.
  • 6.4 Moratorium - Politics

    At this stage, after entering college, I have completely explored the other spectrum, but I cannot yet make a safe conclusion. I see a lot of corrupted values in a our world, and I can't determine yet if they depend on the people or the organizations themselves. But I have definetely become more open, and now I know there are always two sides to a story.