John Dewey's Democracy and Education. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education is published.
Dewey helped advance the ideas of the "progressive education movement," including creating the Social Activism Theory which explained learning as a social experience. This impacted learning because it emphasized hands-on work and real-life experiences. Technologies such as skype allow students to engage with others outside of the classroom and foster the idea of engaging with the real world. -
Jean Piaget's The Child's Conception of the World is published
Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which explained cognitive growth as neurological and social maturation became an important influence in American developmental psychology and education. It was important because of the stages of cognitive development that children go through. Technologies such as Smart Boards which can be used from elementary grades to secondary benefit children of all stages of cognitive development. -
First Computer used for instruction
1953 - Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner's Science and Human Behavior is published
Behaviorist theory which stated that learning is an activity that occurs in the mind and can be inferred by behavior that can be shaped by reinforcement was developed. This theory impacted education when educational theorist Benjamin Bloom used its priciples in developing Mastery Learning concepts of engagement, cues, corrective feedback and reinforcement. On-line tests such as the online ACT are examples of technologies that can be applied to the Behaviorist theory because they use ML. -
University time-sharing systems
Lev Vygotsky's Social Constructivist Theories developed
Vygostsky maintained that learning is shaped by individual differences and culture. This impacted education because children are grouped by age in school and go through stages of development. They perceive based on these stages. Scaffolding allows students to build on what they learn; use of websites that are age -appropriate can foster this strategy. -
Jerome Bruner's Toward a Theory of Instruction is published
Bruner's views regarding learning helped to popularize the cognitive learning theory which maintains learning as cognitive growth through interaction with the environment. In the classroom this translates as interaction with the environment, experimenting, and manipulating objects. Digital programs such as Microsoft Paint and Illustrator foster creativity as well as support cognitive growth through interaction and exploration. -
Mainframe and minicomputers
First microcomputers
Decline of CAI
Microcomputer applications
ILS emerges
Floppy discs used in classrooms
Howard Garder develops Multiple Intelligence Theory
Gardners Theory of Mulptiple Intelligences explained the innate intelligences children have, including linguistic, musical, spacial, etc. This theory was hugely influential in education because it began the shift away from any single learning style and allowed teachers the possibility of teaching to multiple and varied learning styles. Technologies such as vuvox and timetoast allow students to build information portals using various intelligences which can benefit each child. -
Robert Gagne develops Nine Stages of Instruction
According to Robert Gagne there are nine events that are needed for effective learning which include a sequence of events. These are: Gain attention, Inform learner of Objective, Stimulate recall of prior knowledge, Provide guidance for learning and others. These were key for educators in understanding how to break down instruction. Educators can teach students lessons using simple Power Point presentations as outlines insuring that each step toward the learning process is met. -
World wide Web is born
ISTE issues guide
Internet use explodes
IT Curriculum developed
Smartboards in classrooms
ISTE issues standards
Laptops appear in classrooms