John Dewey: Social Activisim Theory
- growth comes through social experiences
- hands on activities connected to real-world problems -intergrate subject material Techonolgy: Wii hands on activities and creating thier own Mii; facebook/twitter:social network; wikkis and blogs, telephones, skype, youtube
Jean Piget: Child Development Theory
- Children go through four main stages of development -learning is cognitive through neulorolgical and social maturation -assmiliation and accodmentiaon -Technology: Wikis , wallwisher, skype (socail growth(, TV & video, blogs/pdocasts (egocentrisim) music/garage band, age approipate computer games
Lev Semenovich Vgotsky: scaffolding theory
- Learning as a cognitive building process -adults support learning throuhg scaffodling or help children build on what they know; adults(expert) children (novice)
- shaped by individual differences and influence of culture -Technology: video
B.F. Skinner
-Learning was activity that occurs inside the mind and can be inferred only by observered behaviors.
-behaviors shaped by "contigencies of reinforcrement" to shape desired responses: positive, negative, and punishiment
- Technology: computer games that give direct feedback for positive/negative results when praciting a skill ie. number munchers, earn points when you get a problem right, when you get it wrong your alien starts to die; Using "Senteos" within the classroom that vibrate for Q & A -
First computer used for instruction
coputer driven flight simulatior trians MIT pilots -
First COmputer Used with school children
IBM 650 computer teaches binary arithmetic in NYC -
University Time Sharing systems
faculty/students in universities acprss te country use mainframe systems for programing and shared utilities -
Robert Gagne (cognitive-behavioral theory)
-learning shaped by providing optinal insturctional conditions and shaped by sequence of insturtional steps, learning is a building process; should be collobraiteve; must have prerequiste skills, 9 skills
- Technology: Whyville (simulation software), Wikkis -
Jerome Bruner: Discovery Learning
-learning is cognitive through interaction with the enviroment
-children understand more clearly when they discover thier ineraction with enviroment
-need to explore and manipulatie opbjects
Technology: camers and video recorders to explore and capture, SMARTboard to ineteratce and manipulate, iTouch Ipod with the different explore and learn APPs -
Computer Assisted insturction CAI movement emerges
large-scale, fedaerally funded university projects use mainframe/minicomputer systems with schools -
HOward Gardner: Multiple Integelience
Learning is shaped by 8 different learning styles: linguistic, musical, logical, spatial, bodily, interapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist
- due the nature of this theory there are several different types of technology to hit all the different types of learners.... iMovies, Wikkis, Blogs, Podcasts, SMARTboards, virtual worlds, video games with educational software.. -
First microcomputer enter school
using desktop systems, classroom teachers begin to take back control of insturctional and administrative applications -
Mainframe and minicomputer applications dominate field
schools begin using computers for instruction and adiminstaion CDC President William Norce announces PLATO will revolutionize instriuction -
CAI movement declines, computer literacy movement begins
Arthur Luhermann coins term computer listeracy for skills in programming and using software tools -
microcomputer applications spawn movements
field focuses on software publishing... -
integrated learning systems emerge
World Wide Web is Born
Internatinoal Society for Technology in Education creates standards
apple creates its first ipod
music can be downloaded to digital decive... books on tape could be downloard and brought into the classroom. -
Internatinal Society for Technology in Education
issues new, updated standards for teachers, students and administorators -
Document Camera
Teachers no longer need overheads, can place items directl onto the doc camera -
SMART technology
SMART technology releases and updates interative whitebaord. Making computer screens inerative!