Exposition 1 Background
Griffin Bing and Ben Slovak slept over at an old abandoned house, the Rockford's house.
Griffin finds an old Babe Ruth card in the house and sells it to S. Wendell Palomino.
Griffin and Ben finds out that the card could be sold for $1 million -
Exposition 2 Setting
Cedarville, New York -
Exposition 3 Characters
Griffin Bing- known as "The Man With The Plan" he is a determined 11 year old that strives to get what he needs.
Ben Slovak- Griffin's best friend, an 11 year old with a strange illness called narcolepsy.
Savannah Drysdale- An animal lover that is known to whisper to animals.
S. Wendell Palomino- The store owner of Palomino's Emporium of Collectibles. Keeps comics and has a lot of security systems. -
Rising Action Conflict
Griffin and Ben sneaks into the Palomino's store to get the card back but couldn't find it. -
Rising Action 1
Griffin and Ben gathers Savannah, Melissa, Pitch, and Logan to help break into S. Wendell's house before the auction of the card. -
Rising Action 2
Darren secretly hears Griffin's plans and threatens Griffin. Griffin has no choice but to let Darren into the heist. -
Rising Action 3
Logan starts going to E. Mulroney's house and start playing a game called Blackgammon. -
Rising Action 4
Melissa hacked into Palomino's emails and only got spam messages. -
Rising Action 5
At E. Mulroney's house, there is a light reflector that can see Palomino's house at night. -
Rising Action 6
Darren had an excellent idea, and that surprised Griffin since Darren thinks just like Palomino.
Idea: To give Palomino a Rangers ticket to a game before the auction and have it delivered him as the wrong person. -
Everyone gets into the house besides Logan who was still playing backgammon with Mulroney. And Ben didn't go in either since he might sleep without himself knowing. -
Falling Action 2
Luthor, the Doberman, is feeling bad, and is shaking. Savannah thinks that they should help Luthor, but the gang said that there isn't enough time. -
Rising Action 1
Pitch sprained her ankle and couldn't climb back down, so they have to go out the front doorway. And when Griffin was talking to Ben, Ben was already asleep. -
Falling Actrion 3
Melissa has to disable the alarm at the front door of the house before the alarm goes off and tells Palomino that the alarm was disabled. -
Falling Action 5
Lamar runs away from the shepherd and locks himself in a room. Darren steals the card and runs away when Griffin found the card hidden in turkey. -
Falling Action 4
Savannah and Luthor finds a shepherd behind a locked door. And just then, a man that was looking for the card for the auction came in when the door's alarm was disabled. (Lamar Fontaine, the man, was introduced.) The shepherd was the most violent dog Savannah has ever seen and Savannah and Luthor was running for their lives. -
Resolution 1
A lady in Baltimore claims that the card was hers since she was the last surviving member of the Rockford's and it proved that Palomino was guilty. -
Resolution 2
Griffin doesn't have to move since his dad's invention, the SmartPick got lots of money and is worth a lot of money. -
Resolution 3
Luthor was sent to the pound but Savannah then adopted him.