the best time line ever

  • the most impotant man was born

    the most impotant man was born
    well i was born on the x-mas eve of x-mas eve witch pretty much makes me very impotant
  • first day of school

    first day of school
    It was the start to the beggining of somthing i hate school
  • parents got divorced

    parents got divorced
    This was a sad time in my life but i guess some things just dont work out
  • U.S. embassy car bombing

    U.S. embassy car bombing
    224 people killed on Aug. 7 1998
  • Columbine shooting

    Columbine shooting
    Shooting that occured in columbine high school that 12 students and a teacher
  • clinton impeached

    clinton impeached
    clinton almost got impeached only 2nd time its been done
  • Uss Yamen bombing

    Uss Yamen bombing
    was a bombing when a small aircraft landed for a routine gas stop killed 19 and injured 39
  • 9/11

    Terriost attach that were all formiliar with
  • columbia disaster

    columbia disaster
    space ship crashed and burned after re entering earths atmosphere kiling 7 crew members
  • First ticket

    First ticket
    Got popped with weed in the 7th grade
  • Atlantic hurricans

    Atlantic hurricans
    started june 1st ended nov. 30 with 3,132 deaths and estimated 50 bill. in damage
  • Bmx champion

    Bmx champion
    Gained the number 1 plate in the state not to mention a first place trophie
  • went to lake powell

    went to lake powell
    my favorite trip ever
  • first job

    first job
    worked at my moms tanning salon cleaning beds and checking people in when i was 14
  • made varsity

    made varsity
    Freshmen year i made varsity was cool cuz i was beatin jr's and seniors for the spot
  • virgina tech massacre

    virgina tech massacre
    Took place at a college in virginia that took 32 lives and many injured
  • got excepted to maclaine

    got excepted to maclaine
    got excepted to a school where i actually have a chance
  • Obama for president?

    Obama for president?
    First black man to run for president
  • Invasion of afganistan

    Invasion of afganistan
    operation enduring freedom in retalation from 9/11
  • booted out of school

    booted out of school
    My dumb#%$* gets kicked out for alcholol and violance