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Russia Revolution

  • Industrialization and the problems it caused it Russia

    The rapid industrialization changed the Russian economy. Although, Russia was still behind theindustrializing nations of western Europe. The Russian government sought foreign investers and raised taxes. However the growth of factories brought on problems including bad working conditions, low wages, child labor, and the governemnt outlawed trade unions. Russia faced a series of crises these shoes how weak the Czar was becoming and it helped creat the way for revolutions.
  • Period: to

    The Russian Revolution

  • Czar Nicholas II

    Czar Nicholas II
    Czar Nicholas became czar in 1894. Becoming csar, he was unable to clearly see the the changing conditions of Russia.
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    As a result of the numerous factories revolutionary movments began to grow to compete for power. The Marxist revolutionaries believed that the industrial class of workers would overthrow the Czar, which meant the workers would rule the country. Within the Marxist revolutionaries, two more groups were formed.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    200,000 workers and thier families approached the Czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburge. They carried a petition for better working conditions and more freedom. More than 1,000 were wonded and several hundreds were killed beucase Czar Nicholas ordered his soldiers to fire on the crowd, naming this day Bloody Sunday. As a result of Bloody Sunday the Czar promised more freedom and approved the creation of Russia's first parliment....the Duma
  • World War I

    Czar Nicholas decided to enter Russia into the first World War. During World War I Russia was unprepared to handel the military and economic costs.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    Because of the March Revolution, it forced the Czar to step down. A year after the Czar stepped down from his possision he and his etire family were killed by revolutionaries. This allowed Alexander Kerensy to head the temporary government. He decided at this point to keep fighting in World War I
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Women textile workers in Petrograd led a citywide strike causing shortages of bred and feul. Soilders first obeyed orders to shoot these strikers, but ended up siding with them instead
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    Lenin and the Bolsheviks soon gained control of the Petrograd soviet and the other soviets in more Russian cities. Tithin days after the Bolshevik take over all farmland was sirubted and they gained control over favctories to the workers. A truce was also signed to stip fighring between Germany.
  • Lenin in Power

    Lenin in Power
    Lenin reconstricted the once destroyed economy and the government. He heled create a new Economic Policy and Political Reforms.
  • Stalin become a Dictator

    Stalin become a Dictator
    Joseph Stalin became dictator after Lennins death. Stalin was a cold, impernonal dictatior. He changed his name to Stalin which translates to man of steel. By 1928 Staloin was in compleat control of the Communist Party.