• Period: to

    World War One

  • Troopships

    Troopships carried over 3,800 horses and 8,500 men from New Zealand. These soldiers were called the main body. At first they were destined to go to England but were then ordered otherwise, they went to Egypt because the training conditions were more like the conditions in Gallipoli.
  • Training

    The ANZAC's started their training in Egypt. The ANZACs were training in Egypt because Egypt's land was dry and dusty just like the weather in Galliopoli where world war one would take place.
  • Ready To Head To Gallipoli

    Ready To Head To Gallipoli
    75,000 men made up of New Zealanders, Australians, French and British troops would be involed in the attack on Gallipoli. They were ready to head to Gallipoli.
  • Landing

    Australia and New Zealand corps landed on ANZAC Beach. However when they landed they discovered they were miles off track and had to climb up the cliff to get to the battlefield.
  • First Hospital Ship

    First Hospital Ship
    The first hospital ship carrying wounded from Gallipoli reached Egypt. Of the 548 people it carried, 14 died on the voyage.
  • Corporal Albert Jacka

    Corporal Albert Jacka
    Corporal Albert Jacka becomes the first Austrailian soldier to win the victoria cross in World War One. The victoria cross was a small cross that is awarded for bravery. Albert Jacka was known as Australia's greatest frontline soldier of World War 1.
  • Armistice Was Arranged

    Armistice Was Arranged
    An armistice was arranged to bury the dead soldiers. A armistice is a situation in war where soldiers from both sides agree to stop fighting long enough to bury the dead.
  • Being Attacked

    Being Attacked
    There were regular attacks by the Turks. Sometimes the ANZAC's counter-attacked but still there were no major changes in the front line from either sides.
  • Short Water Supplies

    Short Water Supplies
    Water was now in short supply. It was carried up the cliffs of Gallipoli to the soldiers in the trenches. Without water the soldiers were getting tired and dehydrated.
  • Corporal Cyril Basset

    Corporal Cyril Basset
    Corporal Cyril Basset became the first New Zealander to win the Victorian Cross. It was awarded to him for repairing the telephone lines on the ridge between the frontline and headquaters.
  • Begining To Need Rest

    Begining To Need Rest
    By September all the soldiers were needing rest. Most of the soldiers from the main body were no longer in action. Some New Zealand soldiers were taken to Lemnos, an island south-west of Gallipoli, where they could eat better food and get much needed rest.
  • Reinforcments Had Arrived

    Reinforcments Had Arrived
    By now the New Zealand force was made up mainly of reinforcements that had arrived at Gallipoli in the months following the landing. Many soldiers had been killed or wounded so reinforcements were the only choice left.
  • Storms

    Serve storms and blizards began and lasted three days. The soldiers quickly adapted to the harsh weather. The trenches quickly began to fill with water and then turned to mud.
  • Leaving Gallipoli

    Leaving Gallipoli
    ANZAC's began to leave Gallipoli. After a long 8 months of fighting the last ANZAC's left the Peninsula. The ANZAC's made sure that they figured out a way that their guns would go off every so often so that the Turks beilived they were still there. Evacuating Gallipoli wasn't as easy as it might have seemed.