My 5-Year EduTech Plan

By jger
  • Restart my teaching career

    Restart my teaching career
    So much of my professional growth obviously hinges on me getting back into the classroom. Although I can continue to add to my repertoire of teaching tools, I will be unable to improve upon their application until they can be put into practice.
    <p>Image: Salvatore Vuono /</p>
  • Web 2.0 Classroom

    Web 2.0 Classroom
    Establish a collabrative enviroment that encourages active learning and social construction of knowledge.
    <p>Image: Salvatore Vuono /</p>
  • Web 2.0 Stage 1

    Web 2.0 Stage 1
    Establish collaboration community between multiple sections of the same course. Since I am the instructor of all the sections, this will be a good first step in establishing a web 2.0 community. The goal for this school year will be to explore the capibilities of cross-class collaboration. Examine the positives and the negitives of the process.
    <p>Image: Salvatore Vuono /</p>
  • Review Progress

    Review Progress
    Review the progress of technology application from the recently completed school year. Make note of what went well and what could be improved on for next year's implementation.
    <p>Image: Francesco Marino /</p>
  • Web 2.0 Stage 2

    Web 2.0 Stage 2
    Stage 2 will build upon stage 1. At this point I will seek to work with my peers within my department to establish inter-classroom collaboration communities. I expect that there will be a lot of challenges involved with this step. It will most likely take two to three school years to fully implement this process. Initially I would like to partner up with one other teacher. In subsequent years I would like to expand the amount of teachers involved.
  • Review Progress

    Review Progress
    Review the progress of technology application from the recently completed school year. Make note of what went well and what could be improved on for next year's implementation.
    <p>Image: Francesco Marino /</p>
  • Period: to

    Complete EduTech Masters Program

  • Review Progress

    Review Progress
    Review the progress of technology application from the recently completed school year. Make note of what went well and what could be improved on for next year's implementation.
    <p>Image: Francesco Marino /</p>
  • Web 2.0 Stage 3

    Web 2.0 Stage 3
    Stage 3 will feature global collaboration that will allow my students to collaborate with a group of their peers, anywhere in the world. A big prerequisite of this stage will be establishing connections with global educators that would be willing to take part in this adventure. This kind of interaction would take the “pen pal” concept to all new levels. Ideally, students would work in inter-school groups to accomplish a common task.
  • Review Progress

    Review Progress
    Review the progress of technology application from the recently completed school year. Make note of what went well and what could be improved on for next year's implementation.
    <p>Image: Francesco Marino /</p>
  • EdTech Blogger

    EdTech Blogger
    By this date I should already be an active contributor to the EdTech blogging community.
    <p>Image: Danilo Rizzuti /</p>