The beginning...
North Arundel Hospital Association is formed. -
Period: to
The '60s
Groundbreaking ceremony held on 28-acre site -
Alfred J. Bryan...
Alfred J. Bryan appointed as administrator and executive director of the hospital. -
Building completed
Original building is completed. -
We open our doors...
North Arundel Hospital opened its doors with four patient care areas, 10 pediatric beds, 20 obstetric beds, 24 bassinets, 41 surgical beds, three major operating rooms, a two-bed recovery room, two delivery rooms, a surgical recovery room, an emergency room, a lab and blood bank, a pharmacy and an x-ray department. There were 75 doctors representing every medical discipline except neurosurgery, 54 registered nurses, 11 licensed practical nurses, plus some nursing assistants. There were 120 othe