
World Events From 2000-2009

  • Y2K Crysis

    Y2K Crysis
    The public thought because of the exctra 0 in the coding of the computer systems that all of the computers would shutdown at the same time when it became midnight.
  • Attack on World Trade Centers and Pentagon

    Attack on World Trade Centers and Pentagon
    A plane crashed into the World Trade Centers and another into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Shortly after this event, we went to war with Iraq and we are still at war today.
  • No Child Left Behind Law

    No Child Left Behind Law
    Signed by George Bush.
  • Space shuttle Columbia crash

    Space shuttle Columbia crash
    There was damage to the exterior of the shuttle during the launch. During reentry of the earth's atmosphere the damage was too severe.
  • Facebook was founded

    Facebook was founded
    Facebook was founded at Columbia University. Where would we be today without Facebook?
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was a catagory 5 when it hit New Orleans; killing 1,464 people.
  • Saddam Hussein's Death

    Saddam Hussein's Death
    President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein is sentenced to death by hanging for crimes againgst humaninty.
  • Earthquake hit Peru

    Earthquake hit Peru
    This earthquake killed 512 people and injured 1500 people.
  • Barack Obama is Elected President

    Barack Obama is Elected President
    Barack Obama is elected the 44th President of the United States. He is the first African American elected to office
  • Avatar

    Avatar was released and is the highest grossing film ever made.