CIERI5, Breanna.

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Texas Timeline

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Sails To The Americas.

    Columbus Sails To The Americas.
    Columbus led his three ships - the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria - out of the Spanish port of Palos on August 3, 1492. His objective was to sail west until he reached Asia (the Indies) where the riches of gold, pearls and spice awaited. His first stop was the Canary Islands where the lack of wind left his expedition becalmed until September 6
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Europeans Bring Enslaved africans To The Americas.

  • Jan 1, 1519

    Alvarez De Pineda Explores The Gulf Coast Of Texas.

    Alaminos persuaded the governor of Jamaica, Francisco de Garay, to finance an expedition to search the remainder of the Gulf. Garay outfitted four ships and placed them under the command of Alvarez de Pineda. He left Jamaica in early 1519 and sailed west to follow the northern coastline of the Gulf.At the western tip of Southern Florida, he attempted to sail east, but the winds were uncooperative. Instead, Alvarez de Pineda sailed west from the Florida Keys to hug the Gulf Coast.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Cortes Lands In Mexico.

    A Spanish expedition consisting of 11 ships is setting sail westward in hopes of expanding the Empire. News had reached Velasquez, the governor of Cuba, that some of his men had found land past the oceanic horizon where the sun sets. Velasquez appointed Hernan Cortes as Captain-General of the Armada and sent him off to follow the rumor.
    Cortes may not have been the most qualified to lead the expedition.
  • Jan 1, 1528

    Cabeza Vaca Is ship Wrecked Near Galveston.

    1528, he and three other men were the only survivors of the expedition party of 300 men.
  • Jan 1, 1537

    Cabeza De Vaca Reports On Texas

  • Jan 1, 1541

    Coronado Leads Expedition Into Teaxas

  • Jan 1, 1542

    De Soto Moscoso Expedition Reashes East Texas.

  • Juan De Onate Establishes Santa Fe.

  • Pilgrims Land At plymouth.

  • Spaniards Establish The First Texas Mission, Corpus Christi De La Yslets.

  • La Salle Establishes Fort St. Louis.

  • La Salle killed by his own men

  • Mission San Francisco De Los Tejas In Established.

  • Los Adaes becomes The First Capital Of Texas.

  • A hurricane wrecks the fleet of pirate Jean Lafitte in Galveston.

  • Stephen F. Austin Settles In Texas.

  • Several groups of Irish immigrants arrived in South Texas

  • General Sam Houston Becomes President Of The Republic Of Texas.

  • Stephen F. Austin dies.

  • Texas Becames The Twenty-Eighth State.

  • Texas Joins Confederate States Of America.

  • Slavery Ended In Texas.

  • Cattle Drive Begins.

    Cattle Drive Begins.
  • State capitol in Austin dedicated

    State capitol in Austin dedicated
  • Lyndon B. Johnson elected U. S. Senator

    Lyndon B. Johnson elected U. S. Senator
    Lyndon Baines Johnson often referred to as LBJ, served as the 36th President of the United States from 1963 to 1969 after his service as the 37th Vice President of the United States from 1961 to 1963. He served in all four federal elected offices of the United States: Representative, Senator, Vice President, and President.
    Johnson served as a United States Representative from Texas, from 1937–1949 and as United States Senator from 1949–1961
  • President John Kennedy assassinated in Dallas

    President John Kennedy assassinated in Dallas
    On Friday, November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was shot as he rode in a motorcade through the streets of Dallas, Texas.
    The 35th president, only 46 years old, had served less than three years in office.
  • Former Texas Gov. George W. Bush elected President of the United States

    Former Texas Gov. George W. Bush elected President of the United States
    George W. Bush was the 43rd president of the United States. He was sworn into office on january 21, 2001, re-elected on November 2, 2004 and sworn in on a second term on january 20, 2005. Before his presidency, he served for 6 years as Governor of Texas.