
  • 509 BCE

    Overthrowing of Last King

    Overthrowing of Last King
    The switch from a monarchy to a republic in Rome happened after the overthrow of the last reigning king. The government then became a representative democracy, or a republic. The king was replaced by two consuls who were elected by a senate of patricians.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 360 BCE

    Conflict of Orders

    The conflict of orders was an ongoing class struggle for the Romans. During this time the rich carried all of the power, and could even enslave those below them. This situation is similar to that of Athens with class struggle. There was conflict arising between the plebeians and the patricians, as the plebeians wanted more equality within the republic.
  • 450 BCE

    The Centuriate Assembly

    The Centuriate Assembly
    The Romans had a very intricate governing system during the time of the republic. The had an assembly called the centuriate assembly that would create and pass laws for the citizens. This assembly pretty much ruled all and would have final say, even when it came to death penalties.
  • 338 BCE

    Expansion in the Republic

    Expansion in the Republic
    A very important event and time during Roman expansion was after they defeated the Latin league. The Romans did not attack them with violence after defeat, but instead offered them citizenship in return for loyalty, and soldiers during war. This helped set Rome ahead from its competitors as it had trust within, and a stronger military power because of the gained citiznes. This was a high point during the republic.
  • 27 BCE

    The End of the Republic

    The End of the Republic
    The republic lasted for about 5 centuries. The problems of wealth and powers were the main that affected the republican governing system. Class struggles and money gone to pay off wars took a toll on Rome. The elites within Rome had overall control of all those under them, cause reform of the plebeians. Though they still did close to nothing to help Rome with the debt inflicted by the elite that affected all Roman citizens.
  • 27 BCE

    Republic to Empire

    Republic to Empire
    The empire began when Julius Caesars adopted son, Augustus, became the ruler of Rome. Augustus still liked the traditional republican beliefs, even though he changed the government from a republic to an autocracy. As he gained power, he presumed the title of a dictator or imperium majus.
  • Period: 1 CE to 400

    Social Classes in the Empire

    During this period of time, the wealth of the elite grew tremendously. This is pretty much a repeat in history form the republic and social classes. This affected the economy tremendously as social mobility was almost nonexistent. There was many social problems that resulted in the fall of the empire such as over-cultivation, inequality between social classes, and problems with slave labor.
  • 330

    The Eastern Half of the Empire

    The Eastern half of the empire was the main focus of Rome before it collapsed. The Eastern part survived for 1,000 years after the Western region fell. They went to carry on much of Roman culture or inventions. The Eastern empire was known as Byzantium. Constantinople played a huge role in the fall of the west and the rise of the east in Rome. It brought power and wealth the the East, and had a large population that made it hard to invade.
  • 380

    Christianity within the Empire

    Christianity within the Empire
    The rise of Christianity within the empire started with Constantine. He had a vision that he was sent by the christian god, and that he would be victorious if he converted to Christianity. He supported the idea of Christianity so immensely that it became a very common practice in Rome. The belief in the one Christian god was believed the have weakened authority of the emperor, as previously the emperor was the highest on the totem pole.
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The fall of Rome has no real rhyme or reason to why it happened. The beginning of it started with the political unity in Rome being shattered. They officially lost their sovereignty when they were invaded by Germanic barbarian tribes. Those who believed in monotheism and polytheism were found to be blaming each other, but we did not find one main reason for the collapse of Rome.