50 Important Dates in US History

  • Period: to

    French and Indian war.

    War between French and British, fought in America, led to treaty of paris
  • Formation of Army

    Formation of Army
    The United States Army is established.
  • The United States Marine Corps

    The United States Marine Corps
    The United States Marine Corps is established
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Made to declare independence from Britain.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Continental Congress approves the Articles of Confederation
  • The Treaty of Paris 1783

    The Treaty of Paris 1783
    Formed after French and British war. British finally saw US as independent nation.
  • Constitution

    The delegates at the Philadelphia convention approve the Constitution
  • George Washington becomes president

    George Washington becomes president
    George Washington inaugurated as President of the United States
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights is ratified by 3/4ths of the states
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from France
  • Slave trade ended

    Slave trade ended
    Slave trade is put to an end.
  • Period: to

    War with England (1812)

    Conflict between United States and United Kingdom,
  • Period: to

    Telegraph Invented

    Roughly from 1830-1840. Helped long distance communication.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Native Americans were forced to relocate due to European settlement, Path that they took.
  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution

    the rebellion of colonists from the United States and Tejanos in and resisting to the centralist government of Mexico
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Alamo

    During the Texas revolution. People in Texas were trying fighting for independence from Mexicans. Mexicans won war.
  • Period: to

    Gold Rush

    Miners discovered more that 750,000 pounds of gold during the gold rush.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    War fought between Northern States and Southern states due to increased sectionalism and disputes over slavery .
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Stated that all the slaves in the rebellious states were free during the Civil War.
  • Period: to


    Reconstructing America after slavery ended
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    President Lincoln was assassinated
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Civil Rights Act of 1875
    Protecting the civil rights of African Americans during the reconstruction era.
  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

    Caused by conflict between Spain and the United States
  • Period: to

    World War I (WWI)

    War happened because of many factors. A factor was imperialism
  • The Panama Canal opens for business.

    The Panama Canal opens for business.
    shorter route for US military to travel around country
  • The Treaty of Versailles is signed, ending World War I.

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed, ending World War I.
    Blamed Germany for WWI
  • Nineteenth Amendment

    Nineteenth Amendment
    Civil Rights for Women.
  • First radio broadcast in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    First radio broadcast in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    Called the KDKA, and was was the first radio podcast to be aired
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    New York Stock Exchange completely collapsed
  • Period: to

    World War II

    War fought between axis and allies, over disputes, and because of the holocaust
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Military Strike when the Japanese attacked a US base
  • D-Day

    When 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches on the coast of the France Normandy region.
  • 1st atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan

    1st atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
    first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. which immediately killed 80,000 people during ww2
  • Period: to

    Baby Boom

    Increase in birth rate after ww2
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    The Cold War began between the United States and the Soviet Union
  • Human rights

    Human rights
    Rights that Humans were expected to have.
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    War between North and South Korea after north invaded south
  • Period: to

    Brown v. Board of Education

    "Seperate but equal" is infact unequal and unconstitutional.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Because of conflict in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Left both American soldiers and Vietnamese people with psychological trauma and ptsd.
  • Sputnik Satellite

    Sputnik Satellite
    First artificial Earth satellite.launched by the Soviet Union.
  • NASA formed

    NASA formed
    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (United States)
  • Civil Rights Act of 1960

    Civil Rights Act of 1960
    Federal law that granted civil rights and made penalties for people who made restrictions on the right to vote
  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    JFK was assassinated
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    spaceflight that first landed humans on the moon
    Launched at:
  • Watergate

    showed the public that Nixon couldn't be trusted, and public opinion began to view him differently
  • Period: to

    Gulf War

    armed conflict between Iraq and a coalition of 39 nations
  • Fall Of the Berlin Wall

    Fall Of the Berlin Wall
    symbol of the Iron Curtain which separated the democratic western countries and the communist countries in eastern Europe during the Cold War.
  • 9/11 September 11

    9/11 September 11
    terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States