5 Life Changing Moments

  • Moving to Germany

    I moved to Germany when I was 4 years old and the first ever school that I went to was FIS. It changed my life, as the teachers there were so kind and caring; it taught me to be the person I am today. If I hadn't moved to Germany, I would be in a government school(and probably with no manners).
  • Building my first snowman

    This incident happened back in Germany and initially, I planned to built it with my sister but she didn't want to so I did it all by myself. It taught me to be resilient even when I didn't have anyone's help. The sense of achievement that day still reminds me that I work the hardest by myself.
  • The first time I cried to my dad(for comfort)

    Before, I was living near the forest and giant spiders in the house was a common occurrence. I was never afraid of them, but as I grew up, my fear gradually grew with age. I never admitted to it. Whenever I was scared; I would hide alone. One time, I was playing in the toy room by myself, it was dark, a spider had climbed up my leg! I remember crying to my dad. Surprisingly, he comforted me. I was always afraid to tell people about my fears but that night, I realised it was okay.
  • Moving to Nexus

    When I moved to Nexus, it was a lot to take in. This completely new school had none of my friends and it even introduced by to the times tables. So I was lagging behind and it really taught me to be a hardworking person. I worked so hard just so I could catch up with everyone else and I even ended up making friends!
  • Meeting Mr Harvey

    Mr Harvey introduced me to football and sports in general. There was a day when he asked me to be the goalkeeper, it even helped our team win first place!