"Panic High School"
This movie "Panic High school" is a studio remake of Sogo Ishii who is famous Japanese filmmaker. It shows for us that stressful of entrance examination preparation war, and one of character became panicky with rifle. Mes,Sharp (2001) "MIDNIGHT EYE Visions of Japanese cinema" -
"Crazy Thunder Road"
This movie "Crazy Thunder Road" is made by Sogo Ishii who made "Panic High School" as well. He is a big deal in Asian cinema and this is one of his most famous punk movies. "Crazy Thunder Road has little in the way of stylistic precedent in terms of Japan's previous decade of cinema, though the biker angle had been tackled before by Teruo Ishii's Detonation!" Mes,Sharp (2001) "MIDNIGHT EYE Visions of Japanese cinema" -
03 Mar 1982 "Burst City"
This movie "Burst city" is made by Sogo Ishii, and this is his eighth film. The story is in the future, the Earth has transformed into a unbreathable wasteland where most of the ocean has dried up and trees no longer grows on the surface due to pollution. Mes,Sharp (2001) "MIDNIGHT EYE Visions of Japanese cinema" -
This movie "Akira" is made by Katsuhiro Otomo in 1988 first as a brilliant manga and later as an industry-shaking anime. He turned his bestselling manga into a $10 million feature-length cartoon. Mes,Sharp (2001) "MIDNIGHT EYE Visions of Japanese cinema" -
This movie "Tetsuo" is made by Shinya Tsukamoto in 1989, He was impressed by comic "Akira" and he became a filmmaker. The story is man notices that his body is slowly turning into scrap metal. Mes,Sharp (2001) "MIDNIGHT EYE Visions of Japanese cinema"