
5 Historical Events that Shaped Modern Day K-12 Public Education

  • First Normal School

    First Normal School
    Mann's first normal school opens up in Lexington, Massachusetts. This was replicated soon after across the country. This gave Horace Mann the nickname "Father of Education."
  • "Father of American Education"

    "Father of American Education"
    Horace Mann took role as Secretary on the State Board of Education. He believed students should receive high quality education. He opened up common schools which were open availability and student friendly (P.130, Kaplan).
  • National Teacher Association

    National Teacher Association
    National teacher association was founded by 43 educators in Philadelphia. This was formed to "Elevate the character and advance the interest of teacher profession and promote the cause of popular education in the United States."
  • Separate but Equal "No More"

    Separate but Equal "No More"
    On this day segregation was no longer part of public schools. The Little Rock Nine attends school and President Eisenhower sends National Guard to protect them.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The NCLB act aimed at improving public primary and secondary schools performance.It was passed by congress in December 2001. In January 2002, President George W. Bush signed the act into law (P.164, Kaplan).