5 Generations of computers Franklyn Van

  • Nintendo is made

    The coproration was made by Fusajiro Yamauchi
  • Period: to

    The First generation of computers

    The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions.
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer

    Atanasoff and Clifford Berry invented the Atanasoff-Berry Computer
  • Period: to

    2nd generation

    Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The transistor was invented in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the late 1950s. The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their first-generation predecessors. Though the transistor still generated a great deal of heat that subjected the computer to damage, it was a vast improvement
  • Period: to

    3rd generation

    he development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.
  • The minicomputer is invented

    Kenneth H. Olsen
  • DEC pdp-8 is introduced

    Invented by Ken Olsen
  • Micheal Hart invents eBooks

    Micheal Hart starts his research and innovation of eBooks
  • Period: to

    4th generation

    The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. What in the first generation filled an entire room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the computer—from the central processing unit and memory to input/output controls—on a single chip.
  • Microcomputer first introduced

    Made by Robert Noyce
  • The first generation was invented

    Invented by Ralph Baer
  • Digital camera invented

    Invented by Steve Sasson
  • IBM PC is invented

    Phillip Don Estrige
  • Laptops are introduced

    Invented by Adam Osborne
  • Smarthphones first invented

    Made by IBM not a specific person
  • Apple Computer is invented

    Steve jobs introduces the macintosh
  • First made web cam

    Made by the computer science department of Cambridge university.
  • 5th generation and beyond

    Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality. Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology will radically change the face of computers in years to come. The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language