When I was Born
When I was born I couldn't remember exactly what happen but what I do know is that Ifound out who was my family. Parents and God. -
First time in school
I remember going to school or daycare because my mom and dad was taking me to a wondre full school nice teachers and cool friends and now in saint patricks another great school thanks mom and dad -
First sport
When I went to tee-ball I was amazed on how the kids were playing. I thought iwas going to suck but I did really good and my dad all so that I was going to do good. -
My first xbox 360
When I got my xbox I was happy because my cousins had it my friends had it so when I got it my friends were teaching me how to use it. Alsomy first game was Call of Duty MW2. -
When I got my first lap top
When I got my lap top I was thinking of what game I should get and I got minecrraft which I'll explain in the next time plot.It was easier to do my hamework -
When I got minecraft is when one of my friends showed me it so I playied it and it was fun. I first gotit in xbox then pc. -
My cousin was the first person to teach me about it I heard of it but never playied it. When I say videos I kept getting encouraged to get one and play so I did.