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Deductions taken from your paycheck before taxes
• Medical, dental, and vision plan premiums you have elected to purchase
• Required retirement contributions to the Alternative Retirement Plan , Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, or State Teachers Retirement System • Voluntary contributions to Retirement Accounts
• Voluntary contributions to Flexible Spending Account
• Other deductions -
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Deductions taken from your paycheck after taxes
• Union dues, if you belong to a union
• Charitable donations you choose to make through payroll deductions
•Savings bonds you elect to purchase
• Life insurance you choose to purchase
• Other deductions -
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Gross V Net Pay
Gross pay is what you get paid before taxes and this the advertised number to get you interested in the job. You earn your gross pay by working and doing you job, gross pay can either be hourly or salary that depends on the job.
Net pay is how much you make after taxes and is how much you actually get to take home and spend on everyday things you and your family need