4th Hour Tanner Crow Haiti Timeline

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus finds land

    Christopher Columbus find first Spanish community near Cap-Haitian
  • 1503

    African slaves

    Africans brought to Hispaniola as slaves
  • The French Land

    The French settle Tortuga Island and northwestern Hispaniola, naming the colony Saint-Dominique
  • Slave Rebellions

    Slave rebellions in north Saint-Dominique led by Francois Mackandal
  • Haitian Revolutuion

    Dutty Boukman and Cecile Fatiman held a vodou ceremony in Bois-Caiman where slaves vowed to die for liberty
  • Full Citizenship

    France's legislative assembly voted to give fill citizenship and equal rights to all people free of color
  • Slaves free

    The France National Convention declared the abolition of slavery in all French colonies, so making the abolition of slavery legal and applying to all of France and its colonies
  • Constitution of 1801

    The constitution of 1801 was wrote, under which Toussaint L'Ouverture was to be Governor
  • Coming together

    Boyer promulgates the Republican Constitution in Christopher's northern state; northern and southern Haiti are unified
  • Jeanne

    Hurricane Jeanne kills over 1,900 people