Mr.M Cheyenne Fults

By cfults
  • The First Battle of The Texas Revolution

    The First Battle of The Texas Revolution
    The first battle of the Texas Revolution occurred in the town of Gonzales on October 2, 1835. This battle was the first example of resistance to the Mexican dictatorship.
  • "Come and Take It"

    "Come and Take It"
    The Texans fought and prevailed, prompting the creation of a flag with the slogan “Come and Take It.” The next clash between the two sides in the quest for freedom occurred at the Battle of Concepcion on October 28, 1835 when James Bowie, James Fannen, and 90 Texans stormed the fortified Mission Nuestra Senora de la Conception de Acuna in San Antonio and defeated 450 Mexican troops.
  • Surrender

    11 December 1835 -- Mexicans under Gen. Cos surrendered San Antonio to the Texans following the Siege of Bexar. Ben Milam was killed during the extended siege.
  • Alamo

    The Battle of Concepcion was followed by the famous Battle of the Alamo in February and March of 1836.
  • Declaration

    2 March 1836 -- The Texas Declaration of Independence was signed by members of the Convention of 1836. An ad interim government was formed for the newly created Republic of Texas.
  • Battle of Coleto

    For two days in March 1836, the Battle of Coleto became known as the “battle of the prairie”, and was to be the location where James Fannen and his group were defeated by the troops of Jose de Urrea and massacred.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    The final battle of the Texan Revolution was the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836. The rallying cry of the Texans was “Remember the Alamo!”
    Texas gained its independence from Mexico in 1836 and achieved formal statehood in 1848, becoming the 28th state of the young nation
  • Archives War

    Archives War
    29 December 1842 -- Under orders of Sam Houston, officials arrived in Austin to remove the records of the Republic of Texas to the city of Houston, touching off the bloodless Archives War.
  • Black Bean Episode

    Black Bean Episode
    25 March 1843 -- Seventeen Texans were executed in what became known as the Black Bean Episode, which resulted from the Mier Expedition, one of several raids by the Texans into Mexico.
  • Santa Fe Trail

    Santa Fe Trail
    27 May 1843 -- The Texan's Snively Expedition reached the Santa Fe Trail, expecting to capture Mexican wagons crossing territory claimed by Texas. The campaign stalled, however, when American troops intervened.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    25 April 1846 -- The Mexican-American War ignited as a result of disputes over claims to Texas boundaries. The outcome of the war fixed Texas' southern boundary at the Rio Grande River.
  • Civil War Beginning

    Civil War Beginning
    Texas at the Battle of Palo Alto in 1846. However, this resulted in a standoff between Zachary Taylor’s forces and those led by General Mariano Ansta. This was the first major engagement of the Mexican War.
  • Compmrise of 1850

    Compmrise of 1850
    25 November 1850 -- In a plan to settle boundary disputes and pay her public debt, Texas relinquished about one-third of her territory in the Compromise of 1850, in exchange for $10,000,000 from the United States.
  • "Great American Desert"

    29 April 1856 -- Backed by the US military, a shipment of 32 camels arrived at the port of Indianola. The resulting Texas Camel Experiment used the animals to transport supplies over the "Great American Desert."
  • Session

    1 February 1861 -- Texas seceded from the Federal Union following a 171 to 6 vote by the Secession Convention. Governor Sam Houston was one of a small minority opposed to secession.
  • Confedrecy claim New Mexico

    22 October 1861 -- Advance units of the newly formed Brigade of General H. H. Sibley marched westward from San Antonio to claim New Mexico and the American southwest for the Confederacy.
  • Northern Forces

    Northern Forces
    In 1861, Northern forces formed a cargo blockade off the Texas coast and captured cotton, steamboats, and schooners docked in Texas ports. The reason why this was so important was that cotton was critical to the economic survival of the North.
  • Battle of Galveston

    Battle of Galveston
    During the Battle of Galveston I in 1862, naval vessels commanded by Federal forces engaged the Confederates for supremacy.
  • Sabine Pass

    Sabine Pass
    The first battle of Sabine Pass took place between September 24 – 25, 1862.
  • Blockade

    The Union navy’s blockade of the island had been in affect for fourteen months before Cdr. W.B. Renshaw sent the “Harriet Lane” into Galveston Harbor on October 4, 1862 under a flag of truce.
  • Second Battle of Galveston

    Second Battle of Galveston
    Plans for the second battle of Galveston began in November 1862. Maj. General John B. Magruder was given command of the military forces in Texas on November 29 and he immediately set his sights upon retaking Galveston.
  • Seizing Galveston

    The Confederates seized Galveston during the Battle of Galveston II on January 1, 1863.
  • Sabine Pass 2

    The Battle of Sabine Pass #2 took place on September 8, 1863. The Union commanders were Maj. General William Franklin and the promoted, Captain Frederick Crocker. The commander of the Confederates who would soon become a southern hero was Lt. Richard (Dick) Dowling.
  • Break Agreement

    Break Agreement
    On May 11, 1865 Col. Theodore Barrett decided to break this agreement.
  • Civil War was over

    Civil War was over
    By May 11, 1865, nearly everyone in the United States and in the moribund Confederacy considered the Civil War over.