Period: to
Civil War
Seige of Fort Sumter
When~Started April 12, 1861 Ended April 13, 1861
Where~Sullivian Island, South Carolina
Who won~Confederate Victory -
Battle of the Sabine Pass NEED TO FIND OUT
Blockade of Galvaston NEED TO FIND OUT
Surrender at Appomattox CourthouseNEED TO FIND OUT
Battle of Palmito RanchNEED TO FIND OUT
1st Battle of Bull Run
When~July 21, 1861
Where~Manassas, Virgina
Who won~Confederate Victory -
Battle of Glorieta Pass
When~Started March 26, 1862 Ended March 28, 1862
Where~Santa Fe, New Mexico
Who won~Union Victory -
Battle of Shiloh
When~Started April 6, 1862 Ended April 7, 1862
Where~Shiloh, Tennesse
Who won~Union Victory -
2nd Battle of Bull Run
When~Started August 28, 1862 Ended August 30, 1862
Where~Manassas, Virgina
Who won~Confederate Victory -
Battle of Antieam
When~Started September 16, 1862 Ended September 18, 1862
Where~Near Shrapburg, Maryland
Who won~Union Victory -
Battle of Fredricksburg
When~Started December 11, 1862 Ended December 15, 1862
Where~Fredricksburg, Virgina
Who won~Confederate Victory -
Battle of Galveston
When~Janurary 1, 1863
Where~Galveston, Texas
Who won~Confederate Victory -
Seige of Vicksburg
When~Started May 18, 1863 Ended July 4, 1863
Who Won~Union Victory -
Battle of Gettysburg
When~Started July 1, 1863 Ended July 3, 1863
Where~Gettysburg, Pensylvania
Who won~Union Victory -
Siege of Atlanta
When~Started May 5, 1864 Ended August 31, 1864
Where~Atlanta, Georgia
Who won~Union Victory