15th Century

  • Jan 1, 1400

    First Golf Ball Invented (MF) (I)

    First Golf Ball Invented (MF) (I)
    Thanks to the inventor of this lovely little ball, so many people today can enjoy the great game of golf.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    First Piano is Invented (MF) (I)

    First Piano is Invented (MF) (I)
    The first piano was called a spinet.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1401 to Dec 31, 1499

    15th Century

  • Oct 17, 1404

    Pope Innocent VII (MB) (P)

    Pope Innocent VII (MB) (P)
    He reigned during the Great Schism of the West and partly due to him that the schism continued as long as it did. Before his election, Innocent agreed to abdicate his position on the conmdition that the antipope Benedict XII would also do the same. After his election, Innocent ignored Benedict and went on his own way.
  • Nov 30, 1406

    Pope Gregory XII (MB) (P)

    Pope Gregory XII (MB) (P)
    He also reigned during the Great Schism. Pope Gregory, just like Innocent also agreed to abdicate as long as the antipope Benedict agreed to do the same.
  • Mar 15, 1408

    John Wycliff (BO) (H)

    John Wycliff (BO) (H)
    In Britain, John Wyclif's England language bible has been published.
  • Apr 15, 1415

    John Hus (BO) (H)

    John Hus (BO) (H)
    John Hus travels to the Council of Constance to propose his reforms for the Church. When he arrived and tried for heresy, he was burned at the stake.
  • Nov 11, 1417

    Pope Martin V (MB) (P)

    Pope Martin V (MB) (P)
    His election served as an end to the Great Schism.There had been three Popes but after the Council of Constance there was only one true poipe and that was Martin V.
  • Apr 15, 1428

    John Wycliff (BO) (H)

    John Wycliff (BO) (H)
    Pope Martin V orders John Wycliff's bones to be burned.
  • Apr 15, 1429

    Joan of Arc (BO) (H)

    Joan of Arc (BO) (H)
    The Hundred Years Wars is still going on and in May, Joan of Arc defeats the English at Orleans. Then in August Joan enters Paris to take Paris back form the English.
  • Mar 3, 1431

    Pope Eugene IV (MB) (P)

    Pope Eugene IV (MB) (P)
    He was mainly chosen to treat the cardinals less as servant of the papacy and more as partners when it came to making a decision in the Church.
  • Apr 15, 1431

    Joan of Arc (BO) (H)

    Joan of Arc (BO) (H)
    Some of the Englishmen see Joan of Arc as an agent of the devil and she gets captured and burned at the stake.
  • Mar 6, 1447

    Pope Nicholas V (MB) (P)

    Pope Nicholas V (MB) (P)
    He was the first of the Renaissance popes and is known as a Humanist Pope because of the resources he devotedto learning. He founded the Vatican Library.
  • Apr 15, 1448

    Russian Orothodox Church (BO) (H)

    Russian Orothodox Church (BO) (H)
    THe Russian Orothodox Church becomes independent of the Patriarch of Constantinople.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Leon Battista Alberti Creates the First Anemometer (MF) (I)

    Leon Battista Alberti Creates the First Anemometer (MF) (I)
    This Italian architect developed the anemometer to measure wind speed.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Nicholas of Cusa's Spectacle (MF) (I)

    Nicholas of Cusa's Spectacle (MF) (I)
    Nicholas of Cusa was a Cardinal for the Holy Roman Empire. He is considered one of the great geniuses of the 1400's. He is recognized for spiritual, scientific, and political achievements in European history. He creates the spectacle for nearsighted people.
  • Apr 16, 1453

    Hundred Years' War ends (MF) (W)

    Hundred Years' War ends (MF) (W)
    This war between England and France lasted 116 years on and off. Advances such as the longbow, and later rifles helped shift the momentum of the war back and forth between France and England.
  • Mar 12, 1455

    Gutenberg's Bible (MF) (I)

    Gutenberg's Bible (MF) (I)
    Gutenberg creates the first movable type printing press. Gutenberg uses his new printing press to create the first printed version of the Bible.
  • Apr 8, 1455

    Pope Callistus III (MB) (P)

    Pope Callistus III (MB) (P)
    He was one of the nephewsto Pope Alexander VI. He was really elected because he was old and the cardinals saw him as a safe pope.
  • Aug 18, 1458

    Pope Pius II (MB) (P)

    Pope Pius II (MB) (P)
    He was a supporter of the crusades against the Turks. He called for a new crusade in 1458. This call ended any hopes for new military aid to the Holy Land.
  • Aug 30, 1464

    Pope Paul II (MB) (P)

    Pope Paul II (MB) (P)
    He promised to end the practice of nepotism during his reigh. Also tried to end other reforms that were desighned to improve the Vatican.
  • Apr 16, 1466

    Prussian War ends (MB) (W)

    Prussian War ends (MB) (W)
    Beginning in 1454, this war involved Poland and Lithuania and included an attempt to convert pagan Lithuanians to Catholicism.
  • Apr 16, 1468

    Swiss-Habsburg War (MB) (W)

    Swiss-Habsburg War (MB) (W)
    This war is not especially famous, but it included one of the biggest ruling houses in Europe: the Hapsburgs.
  • Aug 15, 1469

    Ferdinand of Aragon (BO) (H)

    Ferdinand of Aragon (BO) (H)
    Ferdinand of Aragon marries Isabella of Castile.
  • Apr 16, 1471

    Bohemian-Hungarian War (MF) (W)

    Bohemian-Hungarian War (MF) (W)
    Beginning in 1464, this war involved an excommunication of Bohemia's King by Pope Pius II.
  • Aug 9, 1471

    Pope Sixtus IV (MB) (P)

    Pope Sixtus IV (MB) (P)
    His first act was to encourage Fance,Spain,Germany,Hungary and Poland to pursue a new crusade against the Turks. The new crusade accomplished very little.
  • Jan 1, 1475

    First Muzzle-Loaded Rifles are Created (MF) (I)

    First Muzzle-Loaded Rifles are Created (MF) (I)
    This was invented in Italy and Germany as most European countries were trying to gain a miltary edge in case they needed it.
  • Apr 16, 1483

    Ferrarese War (BO) (W)

    Ferrarese War (BO) (W)
    Duke Ercole II of Este-Ferrara fought an alliance of the Republic of Venice and Pope Sixtus IV.
  • Aug 29, 1484

    Pope Innocent VIII (MB) (P)

    Pope Innocent VIII (MB) (P)
    His papcy was one of the most wordly and corrupt on record. Bad things started because his election was due to the planning of Cardinal named Giuliano Della Rovere.
  • Jan 1, 1485

    Leonardo da Vinci Creates Parachute (MF) (I)

    Leonardo da Vinci Creates Parachute (MF) (I)
    Leonardo da Vinci was a great Italian thinker, and he was one of the first people to make theories on flight.
  • Jan 1, 1486

    First Copyright is Granted in Venice (MF) (I)

    First Copyright is Granted in Venice (MF) (I)
    This was the start of inventors being able to protect their own ingenuity.
  • Apr 16, 1488

    Franco-Breton War (MF) (W)

    Franco-Breton War (MF) (W)
    This war was a dispute over the area of France called the Bretagne. French troops prevailed over Ducal troops.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Martin Behaim invents the first map globe (MF) (I)

    Martin Behaim invents the first map globe (MF) (I)
    Thanks to Martin, students worldwide can study geography of the world on a 3-demensional object.
  • Apr 15, 1492

    Christopher Columbus (BO) (H)

    Christopher Columbus (BO) (H)
    Ferdinand and Isabella are paying for Christopher Columbus voyage to set sail for China heading westward. He ends up finding the Americas.
  • Aug 11, 1492

    Pope Alexander VI (MB) (P)

    Pope Alexander VI (MB) (P)
    He had many mistresses and was a capable administrator. His unvle was Pope Calixtus III.
  • Apr 15, 1493

    Christopher Columbus (BO) (H)

    Christopher Columbus (BO) (H)
    He returns from the Americas and one year later he sails to the Caribbean.
  • Jan 1, 1494

    Whiskey is invented in Scotland (MF) (I)_

    Whiskey is invented in Scotland (MF) (I)_
    The Scot who invented this would receive praise from many adults around the world.
  • Apr 16, 1495

    Neapolitan War (MB) (W)

    Neapolitan War (MB) (W)
    This was lasted two years and began in 1494 when King Charles VIII of France began to invade Italy. In the end, France gained Naples, but later were forced to retreat back to France and lose all land they had gained from the war.
  • Apr 15, 1497

    Scotland (BO) (H)

    Scotland (BO) (H)
    In Scotland, children are required by law to attend school.
  • Apr 16, 1497

    Danish-Swedish War (BO) (W)

    Danish-Swedish War (BO) (W)
    This was over control of Sweden, which Sweden claimed to be independent while Norway-Denmark still claimed control of Sweden under the Kalmar Union. Norway won this short war.
  • Apr 15, 1498

    Toothbrushes (BO) (H)

    Toothbrushes (BO) (H)
    Toothbrushes first appear in China
  • Apr 15, 1498

    Vasco da Gama (BO) (H)

    Vasco da Gama (BO) (H)
    Vasco da Gama reaches India.
  • Apr 16, 1499

    Swabian War (BO) (W)

    Swabian War (BO) (W)
    This war took place in modern day Switzerland and was a dispute between the Swiss people and Emperor Maximilian I.