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  • Jan 14, 1492

    Columbus Reaches the Americas

    Columbus Reaches the Americas
    After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island, believing he has reached East Asia. His expedition went ashore and claimed the land for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Alvarez de Pineda explores Gulf Coast of Texas

    Alvarez de Pineda explores Gulf Coast of Texas
    Alonso Álvarez de Pineda commanded a Spanish expedition that sailed along the Gulf of Mexico coastline from Florida to Cabo Rojo Mexico in 1519. He was the first Eupeon to explore the map. His voyage was more was more than 300 leagues.
  • Apr 14, 1537

    Cabeza de Vaca reports on Texas

    Cabeza de Vaca reports on Texas
    Cabeza was with two other men. Shortly after he reached to Texas he was seperated from the two men. Believing he had died on the mainland, all but two of them proceeded down the coast. He later recovered from his illness.
  • Jan 1, 1542

    Desoto Moscoso Expedition Reaches East Texas

    Desoto Moscoso Expedition Reaches East Texas
    That journey is now known as the Moscoso expedition. The primary goal of its surviving members was to find an overland route back to New Spain. (now known as Mexico) Many attempts have been made to reconstruct the route of the expedition, nearly all of which bring it into Texas in the summer of 1542.
  • Spain Established a Catholic Church

    Spain Established a Catholic Church
    Spain established churches thoughout the towns of San Antonio, Goliad, and Nacagauches. They did it all in the 18th century.
  • Los Adaes

    Los Adaes
    Los Adaes became the first capital of Texas. It also lessened its chances for success by reducing the number of personnel at its military presidio to 60 men.
  • San Antonio

    San Antonio
    San Antonio becomes the capital of Texas. The seat of government was moved to San Antonio in 1772, where it remained until 1824. It settled there for a while.
  • Guttierrez Magee

    Guttierrez Magee
    About 130 strong men crossed the Sabine from Louisanna. They did it in arebel Spain rule in Texas. Fight for what they thought was right.
  • Irish Immagration

    Irish Immagration
    The first several large group of immagrants arrived to settle in South Texas. Two thirds of them were Catholic. By 1840, most of the people in the United States were from Ireland.
  • Independence

    The Texas Decleration of Independence was adopted at Washionton on-the-Brazos. Long after the spirit of the constitution has departed, moderation is at length so far lost by those in power, that even the semblance of freedom is removed.
  • Republic of Texas

    Republic of Texas
    The Republic of Texas was an independent state in North America, bordering the United States and Mexico, that existed from 1836 to 1846.It was offically reconized be the United States. Later then be France, England, Netherlands and Belgium.
  • First Seed of Large

    First Seed of Large
    Scale German Immagration to Texas are sown when a German Society, the Adels Verin purchasa land for settlements in Centray Texas.If one wishes to understand the settlement practices of the Czech immigrants who came to Texas in the 1880's, one must learn the settlement patterns of the German immigrants who came to Texas in the 1880's because the first Czechs sought out and settled near the Germans.
  • US Congress Passes a Joint

    US Congress Passes a Joint
    Resolution for Anexing Texas To the United States. The Texas Annexation of 1845 was the voluntary annexation of the Republic of Texas to the United States of America as the twenty-eighth state. It quickly led to the Mexican War (1846–48) in which the U.S.
  • Germans Arrive at Texas

    Germans Arrive at Texas
    The first many large groups of Germans arrive in Central Texas settling at New Braunfals. They settled for a while. Many did come as immagrants.
  • The Texas Constitutional Convevtion

    The Texas Constitutional Convevtion
    The current 1876 Constitution is one of the longest state constitutions in the United States. The first many large central Texans, settling at New Brautals.Since its initial adoption, as of November 2009 a total of 643 amendments have been proposed, of which 467 were approved by voters and 176 were rejected.
  • Texas Voters

    Texas Voters
    Texas voters over whelmily approve anexation the new state consitution and annextion ordance. A large majority of voters in the Republic approved both the American offer and the proposed constitution that specifically endorced slavery.
  • Irrigation beggins in Texas

    Large scale irrigation begins in Texas when canals are built in the vicinity of Del Rio. Irrigation has been used for agriculture in various parts of the world for at least 4,000 years. In what is now the United States it possibly had its beginnings in West Texas or New Mexico.
  • Texas' New Constituiion

    Texas voters approve a new state constitution. The current 1876 Constitution is one of the longest state constitutions in the United States. Since its initial adoption, as of November 2009 a total of 643 amendments have been proposed, of which 467 were approved by voters and 176 were rejected.
  • President Grant

    President Grant
    President Grant signs the readmitting Texas to Conar essional respresenton.During Reconstruction, Grant remained in charge of the Army and implemented the Congressional plans to reoccupy the South and hold new elections in 1867 with black voters that gave Republicans control of the Southern states. Enormously popular in the North after the Union's victory, he was elected to presidency in 1868.
  • Winter Expierence

    The Climate of Houston is classified as humid subtropical. Texas had suffered one of the coldest winter record. Other strange things happened too later on.
  • Texas Women Win Right

    Texas women win the right to vote primary elections. Women's suffrage is the right of women to vote on the same terms as men. This was the goal of the suffragists and the "Suffragettes".
  • Texas Centennial Exposition

    Texas Centennial Exposition opens at Dallas' Fair Park, it runs until Nov. 29. It seems this is not due to any plan. Rather, it is the result of the benign neglect to which many of the park's buildings have been subjected over the years.
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  • Texas Women win right in juiries

    WOMEN AND THE LAW. Women's progress toward equal rights in Texas has developed within a complex history of social customs, cultural traditions, and law. They win to right in juiries.
  • Ann Richards

    Democrat Ann Richards becomes the first woman governor of Texas in her own right. She first came to national attention as the state treasurer of Texas, when she delivered the keynote address at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Richards served as the 45th Governor of Texas from 1991 to 1995 and was defeated for re-election in 1994 by George W. Bush.
  • George W. Bush

    Former Texas Gov. George W. Bush elected President of the United States. Bush is the eldest son of President George H. W. Bush, who served as the 41st President, and Barbara Bush, making him one of only two American presidents to be the son of a preceding president.