Nothing but the truth

Nothing But The Truth- Memos

By ks4635
  • Tuesday Memo, Announcement

    3) "Please all rise and stand at respectful, silent attention for the playing of our national anthem."
  • Period: to

    Memo Progression at Harrsion High School

  • Friday Memo, to Philip

    To: Philip Malloy
    From: Dr. Palleni, Assistant Principal
    RE: New Homeroom Assignments Philip is moved into Miss Narwin's homeroom effective Wed March 28
  • Tuesday Memo, to Dr. Doane

    To: Dr. Doane (Principal)
    From: Miss Narwin
    RE: Application for Grant Miss Narwin wants to go to a workshop for "master teachers" to give new ideas; feels her teaching needs to be updated and she's a bit out of touch; wants to find new ways to entice young people to read
  • Wednesday Memo, to All Staff

    To: All
    From: Superintendent Seymour
    RE: Budget Talk to voters; informed voters are wise voters
  • Monday Memo, to Miss Narwin

    To: Miss Narwin
    From: Dr. Doane
    RE: Grant Application Limited funding, and available funds for these events have already been allocated
  • Friday Memo, 10:10am- to Philip

    To: Philip
    From: Dr. Palleni (assistant principal)
    RE: New homeroom Philip is moved into Mr. Lunser's homeroom effective Tuesday April 3
  • Friday Memo, 11:16 am to Bernard Lunser

    To:Bernard Lunser
    From: Dr. Palleni (assistant principal)
    RE: Philip Philip is returning to your homeroom after being suspended for 2 days; watch his behavior, perhaps something is going on at home
  • Friday Memo 11:26 am to Dr. Doane

    To: Dr. Doane (principal)
    From: Dr. Palleni (assistant principal)
    RE: Philip Philip is suspended for 2 days for a disturbance in his homeroom, and has been transferred to Mr. Lunser's room. No further attention required.
  • Monday Memo 11am to Superintendent Seymour

    To: Seymour
    From: Dr. Doane (principal)
    RE: Philip's suspension March 28,29,30 Philip caused a disturbance in homeroom (singing the national anthem in a loud, raucous disrespectful manner; stopped 1st time asked, refused second and third; suspended for refusal to apologize to teacher and classmates
  • Monday Memo 1:30pm to Dr. Seymour

    To: Superintendent Seymour
    From: Dr. Doane (principal)
    RE: Philip's Suspension deliberately caused a disturbance; drawing attention to himself; other words added into memo
  • Monday memo 3:30pm to Gloria Harland

    To: Gloria Harland (Chairman, school board)
    From: Superintendent Seymour
    RE: Philip's suspension 1) National anthem is support of American values 3) added wording again 7) chose suspension himself
  • Tuesday Memo 8 am Official Statement

    It is the practice in all Harrison schools that during morning exercises the national anthem is played, part of our program in support of traditional American values.
    There is no rule that prohibits a student from singing along is he/she so desires.
    The Harrison School District is pleased to encourage appropriate displays of patriotism.
    It is the responsibility of our classroom teachers to monitor student behavior in this regard.