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  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    the loiusiana purchase would have made most of the USA loiusana so when the germans tryied to take it someone defeated them for it.
  • stephen f austin settles in texas

    stephen f austin settles in texas
    when staephen f auston settled in texas he help the almo. when the almo was in trouble and needed bad help from people from the USA.
  • texas declartion of independent

    texas declartion of independent
    texas's declartion of independent was signed texas was a free country and got to do what ever they wanted, but had to ask the untied states of america to let them in there country and be apart of the USA!!!!!!!
  • sam houston elected president of texas

    sam houston elected president of texas
    sam houston was elected preisdent and got to be one of the best president of TEXAS!!. when he was president alot of changes were happening and alot of people wasnt liking it at all and elected someone else the very next time.
  • texas becomes the 28th state

    texas becomes the 28th state
    texas became the 28th state of the USA and was the best thing that happened to texas. when the USA let texas in texas came in right away and never looked back at mexico.
  • united states goes to war with mexico

    united states goes to war with mexico
    when untited states go to war with mexico alot of people die.
  • construction begians on first railroad line in texas

    construction begians on first railroad line in texas
    when the construction began on the railroad there was a signal saying there will be more freedom and that there will be more food for everyone. what that means is that transportion will be easier to use and transfer.
  • civil war begian

    civil war begian
    when the civil war begian alot of people fought in the war so they could either end slavery or keep th slaves they had and be happy
  • texas joins the confederate states of america

    texas joins the confederate states of america
    when texas joins the confederate states the people get mad that are in the union and fight back even harder and more dealier. texas ends up being the alright state and was the bomb and medicene state.
  • sam houston dies

    sam houston dies
    when sam houston dies it is a tragic thing. when he dies alot of people were shocked and was going to miss him for all the things he did to defend our country.
  • emancipation proclamation is issued

    emancipation proclamation is issued
    when the emancipation proclamtion got issued alot of thousands of slaves got freed and they had new lifes ahead of them as well as farmer did when there corn crops quality went down rapidly.
  • lincoln signs the emancipation proclamtion

    lincoln signs the emancipation proclamtion
    when lincoln signed the emancipation proclamtion some slaves were freed and some werent. some states were like you are not the boss and you cant take away my slaves.
  • slavery ends in texas

    slavery ends in texas
    when slavery ended in texasall slaves got to be freed. When slavery ended alot of people got mad and went to the civil war so they could get slavery back.
  • slaves are emancipated

    slaves are emancipated
    when slaves are emancipated they are freed and they get to be free and never look back. when the slaves got free it was not so good for farmers because they needed the extra help without having to pay thwem to work
  • cattle drives

    cattle drives
    when cattle drives started alot of people got happy and when they got to use cattle drives people got to keep there animal where ever they wanted.
  • treaty of medicne lodge creek

    treaty of medicne lodge creek
    the treaty of medicne lodge creek was a big deal for texas. it is a national landmark and has the best veiw of the world. It help people get around and use landmark to travel.
  • texas is reamitted into the united states of america

    texas is reamitted into the united states of america
    texas had went to the union and left the confederate staes for the civil war. when the civil war was ending they switched back and got reamited
  • reconstruction ends in texas

    reconstruction ends in texas
    all reconstruction ends in texas. when that happened no more required construction that ment all biuding were finshed and was almost repaired.
  • texas state capital biulding burns

    texas state capital biulding burns
    when the old capital got burned it was a tragic mistake for the State of texas. when it did burn down texas had to have a place to have meetings so they had to got one black over and use the biulding over there just for a meeting
  • new state capital in recovery

    new state capital in recovery
    when the new captial was biult (new) alot of people had to pay more taxes so they state could pay it off and not loose money so more taxes got put on people bills.
  • mexico declares war

    mexico declares war
    when mexico declares war on USA, USA went into battle mode and went crazy and went to mexico and had a hard fight.
  • deadliest hurricane in the u.s. history

    deadliest hurricane in the u.s. history
    when the hurricane hit galveston alot of people died because it was a magintude of 10 and that is the highest you can have on a magnitude scale.
  • over 1000 coal miners strike thurber

    over 1000 coal miners strike thurber
    when all the people struke thurber they were in for a big surprise. when they struke it all they saw was black. when it was exploding the people didnt see it and almost everyone died from it.
  • texas ratifies the 19th amendment

    texas ratifies the 19th amendment
    the 19th amendment was ratified in 1919 and got to where all black people got respected. when it was signed alot of black people got to have clothes for free from some white people.
  • U.S. enters gulf war

    U.S. enters gulf war
    hundred of thousand of people went to the gulf and fought for our country. when they were fighting the USA was left open and got attacked but not bad.