Beginning of Bhakti cult in Tamil Nadu
The Bhakti cult started the hinduism movement and spread hinduism around India. -
Period: 500 to
A.D. 500 to 2010
Apr 14, 600
Beginning of the Caste system
The Caste System is the rank in which you stand like the untouchables. The Caste System is usually associated with the Hindu religion. -
Apr 14, 1200
Muslim Domination of India
Muslim Arabs established an empire lasting until the 18th century. -
The Construction of the Taj Mahal Begins
The construction of the Taj Mahal employed thousand of artisans and crafts men. -
Taj Mahal is Complete
Abd ul-Karim Ma'mur Khan, Makramat Khan, and Ustad Ahmad Lahauri were the architects of the Taj Mahal but usually Lahauri is considered the main designer. -
British begin to take power.
British Raj is the name of the colonial rule that the British had in India. -
Britain becomes the leading colonial power in India
During the time of the British colonial power they provided railroads and established the east india trading company that has left a lasting effect on India and it's economy. -
Ghandi is Born
Ghandi's full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. -
Gandhi joins the Indian nationalist movement.
The Indian nationalist movement is political organizations, philosophies, and movements which had the common aim of ending British colonial power in a peaceful way. Ghandi ends leading the movement. -
Irwin-Gandhi Pact is signed
The Irwin- Ghandi Pact is announces the end of civil disobedience. -
Independence from the British rule
Ghandi Dies
Ghandi dies when he is 78 because he is shot to death by a Hindu. -
Many kingdoms are created in central India and in Rajastan by Rajputs
Rajputs mostly controlled kingdoms in northern and central India untill 1947 when India became independent.