First Book I Could Read on My Own
This was the first book that I was able to read and I was so excited that I took it with me EVERYWHERE and would read it to everyone. -
First Book That Made Me Cry
This was the first book that evoked emotions in me and I would read it over and over again. -
Parents Read this Book to me often
This was my mom and dad's favorite book to read to me at night. -
This Book Scared Me
When I was little my dad would read this book to me with so much emotion that even though I knew what was going to happen I was always so scared to read it. When I finally read it I was so proud of myself for being so brave. -
First Assigned Book
When I was in the 6th grade this was the first book we read in my reading class and even though I already loved to read, I credit this book for my immense passion of reading. -
Discovered my all time favorite series
In middle school I read as many books as I could get my hands on, I happened to find this book at the library one day and was instantly hooked. I have probably reread this series almost 10 times. -
First gifted book
This series was the first series given to me as a gift by a family member. I really enjoyed reading it, but actually have not finished the series because there are so many books and I had a hard time getting them all. -
First play I read
I read MacBeth in 9th grade English and it was a struggle, but I ended up really loving it and went to see the play 2 times. And would love to see it again now that I'm older. -
First thing I ever read that I HATED
Growing up I typically enjoyed or really loved everything I read, but I hated this play so much and remember being so angry that I chose it for a summer homework assignment. -
First "Classic" book I read
This book really spoke to me and I really loved it. It introduced a new genre and style of books to me that I couldn't get enough of. -
Book that changed the way I read
For a long time I didn't really read much into the symbolism in books, but this book completely changed the way I read books. I found myself taking many breaks to really ponder what I was reading and what the characters were saying.