World War II

  • Benito Mussolini and Facism

    Benito Mussolini and Facism
    While Stalin took power in the Soviet Union, Benito Mussolini took a totalitarian approch to ruling Italy. Mussolini introduced Facism, a movement that includes a centralized government) to Italy. Mussolini's Facist movement did not try to take control of farms and factories.
  • Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party

    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party
    After World War 1, Hitler took a path similar to Mussolini's. He joined the small group called National Socialist German Workers' Party. Soon after, Hitler became the leader of this small group. Hitler, at this time, also introduced Nazism into the book he wrote titled, "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle") which consisted of 2 volumes. After the book was published, the Nazi party came to order. He believed the world should only consist of blond-haired and blue-eyed people. Also called "Aryans."
  • Period: to


  • Joseph Stalin takes over

    Joseph Stalin takes over
    After V. I. Lenin dies, Joseph Stalin took control in his place.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    Japan invade Manchudia.
  • Kellogg - Briand Pact

    Kellogg - Briand Pact
    The Kellogg - Briand Pact was a multinational treaty that prohibited the use of war as an "instrument of policy." The pact is also called The Paris Pact.
  • Troop Buildup in Ethiopia

    Troop Buildup in Ethiopia
    Mussolini sends Facist troops into Ethiopia at rapid ammounts.
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration Camps
    The German Jews that remained in Germany were taken from their families and sent to different concentration camps. Jews in concentration camps were mostly used for labor or were killed by gas chambers and other methods. All living conditions of each type of camp were harsh.
  • Neutrality Acts

    Neutrality Acts
    The Neutrality Act was made to prevent U.S. involvement in future wars. The Act banned exports to countries engaged in warfare.
  • Francisco Franco

    Francisco Franco
    Franciso was the leader during the war keeping spain relatively neutral. Though, after the war he became a dictator in the cold war.
  • German troops marched into Austria

    German troops marched into Austria
    Hundreds of Austrians went out to greet the german nazi party as they marched into Austria.
  • Neville Chamberlain- "Peace with Honor"

    Neville Chamberlain- "Peace with Honor"
    Neville Chamberlain was the minister of the United Kingdom who is widely known for leading the U.K. into WWll.
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    Germany, Italy, France, and Great Britain signed the Munich Pact to evacuate Czechoslovakia to make it German territory to meet Hitlers demmands.
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    Churchhill was a British politician during the war. Beame an author that sold thousands of copies of his writtings.
  • Kristallnacht

    (Crystal Night)
    A quick attack on Jews in the country known as Night of the Broken Glass. Throughout the night and the next day German forces drove Jews in the area out of the country and to the Polish border. Some jews that resisted transportation were shot and killed as a part of Hitler's plan to get rid of all people of the Jewish faith.
  • Non Agression Pact.

    Non Agression Pact.
    The pact stated that Germany and the Soviet would not attack each other. If a problem began between the two countries then the problem would be solved without violance. The pact was supposed to last for ten years; it lasted for less than two.
  • Troop Build Up in Rhineland

    Troop Build Up in Rhineland
    The allies initially occupied the Rhineland under the Treaty of Versailles but Britain evacuated troops in 1926, followed by France in 1930. In March 1936 Hitler moved German troops into the Rhineland and so began a build-up of troops in Rhineland.
  • Soviets invade Finland

    Soviets invade Finland
    Nervous that Russia would be attacked from the west, Stalin ordered his armies to invade Finnland. Germany also wanted Finland but both countries were under the non agression pact. Russia soldier fought for three months killing hundreds of Finn soldiers until Finnland surrendered an area to the Soviet Union.
  • Germans Invade Denmark and Norway

    Germans Invade Denmark and Norway
    German armies disguised themselves as trading ships and took Denmark and Norway by suprise declaring the land theirs. Norway did not put up much of a fight being told that France was going to take Norway first by force if the Germans haden't invaded first.
  • A. Phillip Randolph

    A. Phillip Randolph
    A. Philip Randolph was the president and founder of the brotherhood of Sleeping Car that organized a march in Washington to protest discrimination in both military and in industry.
  • Germans Invade Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg

    Germans Invade Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg
    Germans invaded the Netherlans and Belgium to gain their air bases and split the French and British armies. The country surrendered to the massive army after a one sided fight dragged on for four days.
  • Germany and Italy invade france

    Germany and Italy invade france
    As Italy enters the war, the country accompanies Germany as they invade France. French government fled while Germany occupied Paris and France was taken by force in a series of German military take overs. The country was then divided.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    After the battle of France Winston Chruchill suspected the battle of Britain would begin. When German forces attack the British air force the British fought back with their Royal Air Force. The battle was mostly fought in the sky until Germans had to surrender turing the war. This was the first major defeat of the Germans.
  • Selective Service (G.I.)

    Selective Service (G.I.)
    The draft required that men 18 to 45 were required by law to inlist into U.S. military forces. The age was oringially 21 to 35 but when the United States entered WWii the need for more bodies grew.
  • Axis Powers

    Axis Powers
    The forming of Germany, Japan, and Italy who opposed alliances against them. The Axis was a large group that ruled most of Europe during World War II.
  • Election of 1940

    Election of 1940
    In the United States people wondered if Franklin Roosevelt would break the two term policy as election time came. In fact, He did win largely mostly because the world was undergoing war. Roosevelt had proven himself a good leader and pulled the counrty out of the Great Depression and the first years of the war. People must of figured that they needed a good war time president that they already trusted.
  • Holocaust

    In the spring of 1941 Hilter exucuted an order to elimnate all jewish people. German soldiers began killing Jews driving most out of the country.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    A Statement between the United States and the United Kingdom that painted a picture of the world after World War Two. The statement became the building blocks for international treaties and organizations that are still used today.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    The battle was fought with German U-boats and other warships in the Alantic Ocean near Great Britian. the Soviet Union and Germany fought against the U.S. and a part of South America defending the U.K. and Canada. This was a very long war and progressed slowly as new tactics were developed on each side. The battle was considered won by the British when the German U-boats were sunken.
  • Hideki Tojo

     Hideki Tojo
    Leader of Japan during the Pearl Harbor attack. Tojo was one of the large leaders of the war leading Japan right into World War Two. Tojo was executed as a crimmial of war.
  • Lend Lease

    Lend Lease
    The United States provided the U.k., france, china and other countries with materials in exchange for alliance and bases in their countries.
  • Philippines, Corregidor, Douglas MacArthur

    Philippines, Corregidor, Douglas MacArthur
    Corregidor was the location of several battles. It lead to the capture of the Philippines and the retreat of the United States in the early stages of the war. MacArthur was the general of the United States Army in the area.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    The leader of Japan attack a U.S. base on the coast of Hawaii. 2,402 Americans were killed and the result of this attack was the U.S. entering the war.
  • War PLans w/ Churchill and FDR

    War PLans w/ Churchill and FDR
    In late December, Churchill met with FDR in Washington to figure out a war plan to defeat Germany and Italy. Overall figuring out how to end the war.
  • Blitzkrieg

    a military tactic that was designed by germans to avoid trench warfare. Used like its name Blitz (lightening) as a suprise attack to catch opposing armies off guard.
  • Internment of Japanese

    Internment of Japanese
    After the Attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government relocated 110,000 japanese- Americans to Internment camps along the coasts of America.
  • Industrial Response

  • Battle of Coral Sea

    Battle of Coral Sea
    During the late morning the U.S. attacked Japanese warcraft ships with torpedoes and began a battle between ships and aircrafts. As Japanese aircraft carriers sunk the Allies claimed victory.
  • The North African Front

    The North African Front
    "The Desert War" was fought in libyan and Egyptian grounds between the Axis Powers and the Allies led mostly by Britishcommonwealth. The Axis forces were defeated after many battles over territiory.
  • Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC)

    Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC)
    A branch of the U.S. Army that allowed Women to be involved in the war other than nurses. Most Women fought in homeland but some got the oppertunity to travel with the Army to fight in WW2. Men were frightened of change in military forces but the shortage in men left the United States desperate.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Midway was the battle after Coral Sea, fought between the
    Japanese and the U.S. The battle took place in the Pacific and the United States caused irreparable damage on the Japanese.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad was fought between Germany and the Soviet Union for control over the city of Stalingrad. The city was turned to rubble in the end but the Battle is also considered a major turning point in the war. The Red Army severly weakened the German Army in their own
    Homeland so this battle greatly helped with the defeat of Nazi Germany.
  • Guadalcanal

    The battle was founght on the islands on and around Guadalcanal. The battle was mainly between the Americans and the Japanese Empire. The Americans wanted to use the island as a base for Australia, and New Zealand.
  • The Italian Campaign

    The Italian Campaign
    The Allies bordering Italy code named "The Italian Campaign" for the invasion to the manland. They planed to take back Sicily driving German forces away. The Allies did indeed defeat the Germans but this battle lasted until the end of the war killing thousands of people.
  • D-Day

    D-DayOn June 6th British and allie forces invaded Normandy, France. It was taken in different stages beginning with plane warfare dropping troops then foot soldiers attacking from boats off the coast. D- Day is a bloddy battle against the German forces.
  • The Battle of Leyte Gulf and kamikazes

    The Battle of Leyte Gulf and kamikazes
    The use of the kamikaze attacks was first used during the Battle of the Leyte Gulf by the Japanese. Japan resulted to this tactic in order to survive against Allie forces. This Japanese weapon scared the other armies.
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge was the last battle of Nazi Germany. Even with the defeat Americans suffered the bloodiest battle in the War. The Germans wanted to divide allie forces but the weaker section used the weather to their advantage and defeated the German forces.
  • Yalta

    A meeting was held between the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union to establish the rebuilding plans of the ruins in Europe.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    This battle was fought for Iwo Jima between U.S and Japanese forces. The battle was extremely bloody with a huge number of men killed on each side.
  • Harry Truman becomes President

    Harry Truman becomes President
    Being trusted into presidency, Truman had little experience with international issues but set a high priority to ending the war in Europe.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    This battle was fought on the Ryukyu Island of Okinawa becoming one of the largest bloodshed for Allie forces and the Japanese. The invasion encountered thousands of civilians that were murdered along with thousands of soldiers. The battle basically ended with the surrender of Japan.
  • Unconditional Surrender/ V-E Day

    Unconditional Surrender/ V-E Day
    On this day, Allies opposing Germany, accepted Nazi Germany's surrender conditions. The surrender was aproved from Hilter's replacement after he had commited suicide on the 3oth.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Held in Germany, leaders of the war met to deliever the Allies terms for Japan. Basically stating that Japan must surrender or be destroyed.
  • the Manhattan Project

    the Manhattan Project
    codenamed for the first atomic bomb, the United States created a massive bomb under the command of J. Robert Oppenheimer. The goal of the bomb was winning the war.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The United States caused astonishing devastation wrought by the two atomic bombs that ended World War II. The bombs created graveyards where the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki once stood killing many innocent poeple.
  • Nuremburg War Trials

    Nuremburg War Trials
    Held by the Allie forces in Germany, the 22 of the most important captured leaders of Nazi Germany were tried for their part in the war.