First World War

By vicky
  • Period: to

    First World War

    Basically, the First World War was triggered by this causes: Nationalism, Imperialism, Rivality, Competition, Alliances. What is most, the murdered of the archiduque, Fran Ferdinand.
    All this problems, made the map of Europe changed. Austria and Hungary became separate countries. Germany lost so the United Kindom, USA and France won. So, Germany lost most of its lands.
    The end of the First World War lead to the second world war because of the harsh terms on the treaty of versailles.
  • Militarism

  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    The German government believed the country might be attacked by either France in the west and Russia in the east. In 1879 Germany and Austria-Hungary agreed to form a Dual Alliance. This became the Triple Alliance when in 1882 it was expanded to include Italy. The three countries agreed to support each other if attacked by either France or Russia.
  • The Reinsurance Treaty

    The Reinsurance Treaty
    Potentially of greater importance - although it was allowed to lapse three years after its signature - Bismarck, in 1887, agreed to a so-called Reinsurance Treaty with Russia.
    This document stated that both powers would remain neutral if either were involved in a war with a third (be it offensive or defensive).
  • Stalemate

    It is dominated stalemate because of its high level of weaponies. It was one of the most notorious causes of the First World War. The continuing tensions between States through national and imperialist conflicts led to each state allocate a large amount of state capital investment in the arms industry and army building. That led to a complex system of alliances in which nations were in conflict without being at war.
  • Franco-Russian Military Convention

    Franco-Russian Military Convention
    Not published until 1918, the Franco-Russian Military Convention of 18 august 1892 drew France and Russia closer together, and together with Britain, ultimately formed the Triple Entente. It was signed two years after the German-Russian Reinsurance Treaty had been allowed by Russia to lapse. Increasingly Russia's future alliance lay with France and Britain, in opposition to Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (who ultimately formed the Central Powers).
  • The Naval race

    The Naval race
    The German emperor Wilhelm II wanted to have an Empire to match that of the British. To do this he would need to have a large and powerful navy. In 1900 Wilhelm decided to put this to practice. He ordered the construction of several powerful boats. The British saw this as a threat and responded by building a ‘Dreadnought’. This was a fast and very dangerous boat. In turn the Germans started building this boat. A race started to have the largest navy. This race led to tension between G and G.B
  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance

    Anglo-Japanese Alliance
    The Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902, which was to run for five years before being renewed, was primarily directed against the potential shared menace posed, it was believed, by France and (most probably) Russia in the Far East. The alliance obligated either power to remain neutral if one or other found itself at war. However, should either power be obliged to fight a war against two or more powers, the other signatory was obliged to provide military aid.
  • Entente Cordiale

    Entente Cordiale
    an agreement between Britain and France, resolved a number of longstanding colonial disputes, and established a diplomatic understanding between the two countries, which however stopped short of binding either to any military undertaking in support of the other.
  • Russo-Japanese War of 1905.

    Russo-Japanese War of 1905.
    Given the weakened area of China as a major ambition, the European powers, especially Britain and Russia, and new extra-European powers, Japan and USA aspired to extend its sphere of influence. The Russian aggression led to the signing of the Anglo-Japanese alliance in 1902. This alliance set the stage for a showdown long-awaited war between Japan and Russia. The Japanese victory was complete on land and at sea, and without having to go to British support.
  • Anglo-Russian agreement

    Anglo-Russian agreement
    Under pressure from France, an ally of both powers, and increasingly suspicious of German aggression, Britain and Russia are going to settle their historical colonial differences. The agreement of 1907 divided the areas of influence between the two countries in Central Asia. Although not signed a partnership firm, the foundations are laid to one side of the war.
  • Triple Entente

    Colonial rivalries between Russia and Britain had in the late 19th cent. made powers hostile. But after the defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War, and particularly after Sir Edward Grey gained influence in the British foreign office, Britain came to favor a friendly settlement. This was finally achieved in the Anglo-Russian entente of 1907. That agreement created the international group opposing the Triple Alliance—France, Great Britain, and Russia had formed the Triple Entente.
  • The Balkans, 1913: The Second Balkan War

    The Balkans, 1913: The Second Balkan War
    Between May and July 1913 Bulgaria's former allies beat back the new aggressor, Bulgaria, and Romania captured the Bulgarian capital Sofia in August. Beaten and having surrendered on 10 August 1913, Bulgaria also lost Adrianople back to Turkey.
  • Killing in Sarajevo

    Killing in Sarajevo
    Franz Ferdinand, was in Bosnia inspecting the manoeuvres of the Austrian Army Corps stationed in the province. During the morning a bomb was thrown at the Imperial motor car, but its occupants escaped unhurt. In the afternoon in another part of the town a Serb student fired a revolver at the car, killing both the Archduke and the Duchess.
  • Serbia needs help

    Nikola Pasic and the Serbian government appeal to Russia for help against the proposed attack by the Austro-Hungarian Army.
  • Austria Hungary declares war

    Austria Hungary declares war
    Austria issues manifesto and declares war on Serbia at noon: refuses proposals of mediation or Conference: has no quarrel with Russia. This country, says mobilisation of Southern Corps will be announced, but she has no aggressive intentions against Germany.
  • Trenchs

    A trench is a hole dug in the earth, which were used to protect the advance of troops during the first world war
  • Germany declares to Russia

    Germany declares to Russia
    The Imperial German Government have used every effort since the beginning of the crisis to bring about a peaceful settlement. But Russia, without waiting for any result, proceeded to a general mobilisation of her forces both on land and sea. So in consequence, of this threatening step, which was not justified by any military proceedings on the part of Germany, the German Empire was faced by a grave and imminent danger. This is why the war between them begun.
  • Gernany declares war on France

    Gernany declares war on France
    When the Russians came to the defense of the Serbs, the Germans had no choice but to go to war to defend their Austrian allies. Their strategy for war against Russia was the Schefffein Plan which called for an initial attack against France, Russia's ally. So even though Germany had no dispute with France at the time, it still declared war against France.
  • Austria hungary declares war to Serbia

    Austria hungary declares war to Serbia
    The Royal Serbian Government not having answered in a satisfactory manner the note of July 23, 1914, presented by the Austro-Hungarian Minister at Belgrade, the Imperial and Royal Government are themselves compelled to see to the safeguarding of their rights and interests, and, with this object, to have recourse to force of arms. Austria-Hungary consequently considers herself henceforward in state of war with Serbia.
  • Submarine War

    Submarine War
    Since 1915 Germany had begun a submarine warfare, with the intention of cutting the British supply.
  • Italy declares war to Austria Hungary

    Italy declares war to Austria Hungary
    By the spring of 1915 General Luigi Cadorna had 25 infantry and 4 cavalry divisions. Grouped into four armies, Cadorna only had 120 heavy or medium artillery pieces and some 700 machine guns. Despite the shortage of artillery Cadorna launched mass attacks on Austria-Hungary in May 1915. The defending army quickly built trenches and the Italians suffered heavy casualties.
  • The Tanks

    The Tanks
    Convinced of the need to develop something that would break through the German trenches Field Marshall Haig was persuaded to order the construction of 1000 tanks. To the right is an image of one of the most advanced tanks produced for the British Army during the First World war.
  • United States declares war to Germany

    United States declares war to Germany
    President Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war against Germany. Congress granted the request and the United States was formally at war with Germany. Several key events leading up to this act included the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915, and the Zimmerman Telegram sent to Mexico by Germany in January 1917. The resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany on February 1, was the key event that turned the American public from neutral ground at home to the trenches of Europe.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a political movement in Russia that culminated in 1917 with the expulsion of the provisional government that had replaced the tsarist system, which eventually led to the establishment of the Soviet Union, which lasted until its demise in 1991.
  • Turkey made peace

    Turkey made peace
    Turkey had to sign the Treaty of Sevres.This was a very harsh treaty. Memories were still clear to many people on the Allied side of what had happened at Gallipoli when the ANZACS suffered appalling losses at the hands of the Turks in what was one of the the Allies greatest defeat of World War One. To an extent, there was an element of revenge on "Johnny Turk" who had had the audacity to inflict defeat on one of the major powers of the world - Great Britain.
  • The treaty of Versailles

    The treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed at the end of World War I officially ended the state of war between Germany and allied countries.