Iron curtain

  • The first recorded occasion on which Churchill used the term "iron curtain" was in a telegram he sent to U.S. President Harry S. Truman regarding his concern about Soviet actions, stating "[a]n iron curtain is drawn down upon their front.

  • Soviets force Romanian king to make a communist a minister

  • Iron Curtain speech was made by Winston Churchill

  • Stalin Predicts triumph of Communism

  • Arrest of anti-communist leaders lead to communists wining new elections

  • Marshall announced a comprehensive program of American assistance to all European countries wanting to participate, including the Soviet Union and those of Eastern Europe, called the Marshall Plan.[25]

  • On December 30, 1947, the communists forced the abdication of King Michael and declared a People's Republic

  • Czeckslovakia becomes a soviet satellite nation

  • the foreign ministers of Austria and Hungary, Alois Mock and Gyula Horn, ceremonially cut through the border defences separating their countries.

  • Iron curtain falls