Period: to
Holocaust events
Nazi Party takes power. Hitler is chancellor; civil liberties are taken away
Hitler is chancellor; civil liberties are taken away -
Htiler becomes Fuhrer; Jewish newspapers are silenced.
Jews are deprived of citizenship.
Nazis boycott Jewish-owned businesses; Jewish right to vote is removed.
Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)
30,000 Jews arrested
Jews must now carry ID cards
Jewish businesses are shut down
Jewish children are forced to Jewish schools
Strict curfew in enforced -
Nazis take over Czechoslavakia and Poland
Britain and France declare war on Germany
WWII starts
Jews must wear the Star of David on their clothing -
Nazis deport Jews to Poland
Jews are forced into ghettos
first mass murder of Jews in Poland
Jews into concentration camps -
Germany attacks the Soviet Union
Jews in Western Europe forced into ghettos -
Nazis submit the "Final Solution"
Final Solution: a plan to kill all Jews
Lists of forbidden items for Jews: newspapers, radios, pets, electrical equipment, bicycles, school, and meat, eggs, and vegetables -
Death toll: 80% to 85% of Jews to die are already dead
Hitler takes over Hungary
12,000 Jews a day are deported to Aushwitz -
Hitler Defeated
WWII ends
Surviving Jews are placed in displaced persons camps -
Nuremburg Trials
Trials for Nazi war crimes. -
The United Nations is established.
UN establishes Jewish homeland in British controlled Palestine, which becomes Israel. -
Israel becomes the Jewish nation.