medical history

  • 430 BCE


    Edward Anthony Jenny created the small pix vaccine
  • 430 BCE

    430 BCE

    430 BCE
  • 754


  • 754


    The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad in the year 754.
  • 1231

    medical education in universities

    Fredrick ll promulgated a set of laws concerning medical education and its standards.
  • 1300

    Guy De Chauliac

    Guy De Chauliac was a french physician and also a surgeon that wrote a influential treatise on surgery in Latin, titled Chirurgia Maga.
  • 1315

    Anatomy and Dissection

    The Italian physician Mondino de Luzzi conducted a dissection for his students. Then the next following year he would write Anathomia corporis humani, which is the first example of a modern dissection manual and the first anatomical text.
  • 1352


    Invented eye glasses so you could see better and have a better vision.
  • 1352


  • 1400

    treatment and diagnosis

    often superstitions
  • 1492


    problems that were common at the time were small pox, the black death which continued to come up from time to time as well as leprosy
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    Renaissance physician who revolutionized the study of biology and the practice of medicine by the careful description of the anatomy of the human body.
  • Takeaway

    scientist learned more about how the human body works, and more new discoveries like how vaccinations came into being.
  • James Watt

    He was a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and a chemist who improved on Thomas newcomens steam engine with his watt steam engine
  • The industrial revolution

    The industrial revolution
  • Cholera Highlights

    Left India 1817 and reached Sunderland in 1831
  • Municipal Corrperation act of 1835

    commission was appointed to look into the municipal government.
  • health

    Administration in town was weak, poor to reach the demands of new urban life.
  • sanitary reform movement

    Doctors who wrote 2 reports on living conditions in London bethnal green.
  • Public health act of 1848

    This act created a board of health with a five year mandate.
  • Infectious diseases

    When cities would expand there would be more diseases spreading around as well, as well as traveling people would carry the disease wit them.
  • Florence nightingale

    Florence nightingale was a British nurse and writer. She did pioneering nursing work while she cared for wounded soldiers during the Crimean era.
  • insulin

    An american Canadian named Fredrick Banting discovered insulin.
  • Insulin

  • Electroencephalography on humans

    German doctor Hans Berger discovered it.
  • Abio Cor Artificial Heart

    Abio Cor Artificial Heart
  • Smoke free law

    It was an attempt to lower the amount of people that were affected by second hand smoking.
  • Human genome project

    Human genome project
    determines the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up human DNA.
  • stem cells

    stem cells
    It began to introduce potential stem cells also cloned human cells.