4259 Mauricio Scala P7 Gandhi Timeline

  • The Sepoys rebel

    The Sepoys rebel because of lack of respect to their religions
  • British Government takes control over India

    The British government from 1858 started to take ultimate control over India
  • Mohandas K. Gandhi is born

    Mohandas K. Gandhi is born and will just start to change India
  • Gandhi is married

    Gandhi has an arranged marriage with a girl named Kasturbai
  • The India National Congress is formed

    The India National Congress is formed
  • Gandhi goes to England to study laws

    Gandhi goes to England to study laws and then later on he becomes a lawyer
  • Gandhi is thrown off the train

    Gandhi is thrown off the train because he was riding in first calss as he should have been and then he answered back to the policeman in the train because they were sending him back to third class
  • Muslim League is created

    The Muslim League is created
  • Gandhi returna to South Africa

    Gandhi returna to South Africa to be the first "black" lawyer but he is rejected there because they are racist
  • Indian troops have returned home from war

    Indian troops have returned home from war, Britain did not fulfill promises
  • Amritsar Massacre

    Amritsar Massacre
    The Amritsar Massacre happens, Hindus and MUslims are shot down and killed by British officials without orders. (400 dead and 200 injured)
  • Gandhi calls for non-cooperative across of India (civil disobedience)

    Gandhi calls for non-cooperative across of India (civil disobedience) so that Gandhi's followers won't use violence but they will not obey the laws that are against them and they will break them rules but without using violence
  • Gandhi sentenced to 6 years in prison

    Gandhi sentenced to 6 years in prison beacuase he tries to overthrow the british government
  • Gandhi leads the Salt March

    Gandhi leads the Salt March
    Gandhi and his followers walked 240 miles across INdia to get to a ocean and for them to priduce their own salt as a way of telling British that Indians are independent and they don't need them.
  • British parliament passed the government of Indian Act

    The British parliament passed the government of Indian Act
  • Indian Independence

    Indian Independence
    India is granted self-rule from Britain, The Indians gain their Independence.
  • Gandhi is killed

    Gandhi is killed
    Gandhi is killed by a Hindu