Birth Of Mohammed
In 517 AD Mohammed was born. He was said to have been raised mainly by his uncle because he lost his mother, father, and grandfather. Mohammed is a prophet or messenger of Allah. Mohammed reported and preached what he had been told from Allah to all of the people. Some were skeptical and were not sure whether to believe this or not. After a while more and more people began following the words of Mohammed. -
Mar 9, 1095
First Crusade
In 1095 the first crusade out of the eight occured.It was a terrible fight for the Holy Lands. European Catholics became part of this battle against the Muslims. The goal of the Catholics was to take over Jerusalem and make Christian the control of the Holy Land. During this crusade thirty thousand or more Jewish and Muslims were killed due to the horrible fighting. The catholics were unable to completely take over the Holy Lands. -
Jan 10, 1258
Siege of Baghdad
Baghdad was invaded and demolished by Ilkhanate Mongol forces. There were said to have been an estimated 100,000 resdidents killed during this attack. This was not the first time this particular group attacked Iraq.The forces tried to get Iraq to surrender but they refused and the battle began. This invasion lasted until Baghdad surrendered on Feburary 10th. -
Jan 7, 1348
Black Death (Bubonic Plague)
The Black Death was a disease that spread rapidly through Europe killing a vast majority of the population. What would happen is the people would come in contact with an infected object and they would begin getting painfl bumps and lesions all over their body. This terrble disease was said to have been carried on ships but fleas and rats. The Black Death pandemic lasted for about three years. -
Ottoman Empire
The Ottomen Empire was first founded in the 13th century. By the 18th century they had gained power in Turkey and a lot of other Arab countrues. Constantinople was considered the capitol of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman Empire lasted until 1923. -
Israel Declares Independence
Israel declared their independence on May 14, 1948. Within a day after this declaration Israel was attacked by surrounding Arab countries.Zionists had been attempting to declare independence for years. They wanted land that they could call their own and be able to practice their religion. Israel won the war that happened after the declaration of independence. All Israelis are required to join the military to fight for their land and freedom. -
Suez Canal Crisis
The Suez Canal is the only direct passage from the Indian ocean to the Mediterranean.There were three places that wanted control over the canal; Britain, France, and Egypt. Nasser was ruler of Egypt and to took control of the canal. This move sparked anger and France, Britain, and Israel joined to fight. They beat Egypt but later lost power of the canal and Egypt gained the control. Because of this crisis every nation is allowed to pass through the canal. -
OPEC is the organazation of Pertroleum Exporting Countries. The group was created to control the transporting of oil to certain places. OPEC is an organazation made of mainly Arab countries. In anger against the Untied States help toward the Israeli military they placed an embargo on the U.S. OPEC is still an organazation that around the the middle east. -
Iranian Hostage Crisis
In 1979 a group of fundamentalists took control of Iran. They attempted to arrest the shah. The United States helped in the shahs escapes. After this happened the Us Embassy in Tehran was taken over. The Iranians were so irate they took 53 U.S. hostages and held them captive for 444 days. -
Persian Gulf War
There was an invasion in August of 1990 in Kuwait.The actual war did not begin until January 1991. This war ended in April of that year.Iraq invaded Kuwait because of a dispute over oil. The United States military was sent to take part in this war.The coalition of the Gulf War was created for the countries who were against Iraqs invasion.Years later there was a second Gulf war which is between Iran, Iraq, and the U.S and is still happening to this day. -
Tailban governed Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001. The Taliban was a group of Islamic fundamentalists who instituted a strict form of Sharia Lwa. The Taliban supported al-Qeada and had many of the same beliefs. The United States attacked Afghanistan because the Talibans support of al-Qeada. -
The attack that happened on 9-11 was a terrorist attack. There were 19 hi-jackers that were all middle eastern. The terrorist group that was responsible for the attack was the group al-Qaeda.There were four planes involved two of them crashed into the twin towers causing panic and chaos. The third airplane crashed into the Pentagon which is located in Arlington, Virginia found nearby to Washington D.C. The last plane crashed in pensylvania in a rural town. There were around 2,973 deaths.