The Sperm Race Begins
During sexual intercourse the penis is inserted into the vagina, when this happens the sperm from the penis is released. The sperm cell then swims up the fluid of the uterus and into the fallopian tubes where it will meet the egg. Sometimes more than one sperm is realeased. -
Meeting the egg.
When more than one sperm is relaeased, the one that meets the egg lives, and the rest disintegrate and die. The sperm that lives breaks into the egg (using its head) and fertilises it. -
The Journey To The Womb
Once the egg has been fertilised, it travels down the line of the fallopian tube and gets implanted into the side of the uterus. -
Time to be born
Once the embryo(foetus) is fully developed, the mother starts to have contractions. These last for a while, and then the mother knows that the baby's birth has begun. Usually a natural birth takes a few hours until the baby is fully out. When the baby is born, it is still connected to the mother by the umbilical cord. This is cut off. -
Baby's first meal.
As the baby is usually used to having food through the umbilical cord, it isn't used to being breastfed, it usually takes a few feedings for the baby to start to feed properly. -
Breastfeeding/anitbodies/defence against infection
Breastfeeding is the most natural and the best way to feed a baby. The baby will suck on the mother's nipple of the breast. All breast milk tastes sweet to all babies. Breast milk also protects babies against antibodies, and is a defence against infection. But, some women do not like breastfeeding, and decide to use follow on milk, but it is not as good. -
Growing in the womb
The fertilised egg starts to grow as an zygote in the womb. Eventually, over time the zygote gets bigger and develops into an embryo throughout the pregnancy. Once the embryo(now a foetus) is fully developed, it is time for it to be born. Mitosis may occur during pregnancy, which is where the egg splits, making twins. But, sometimes the egg does not fully split, making conjoined twins. When twins are conjoined, wherever the egg did not split properly is where the two twins will be linked. -
Newborn reflexes
When a baby is hungry, it will use the rooting reflex to look for food. This is where it moves it's head around alot. The sucking reflex: a good way to test the sucking reflex is to run your finger gently across the side of the baby's cheek, and see if it will try to suck your finger. The step reflex is where if you hold your baby upright under her arms and lower them onto a flat surface they will make a walking movement with their legs. (At around 11 weeks of age.)