Lusk - Modern Egypt

  • Period: Feb 26, 1206 to

    History of India

  • Feb 26, 1250

    Mameluks Seized Control

    a military group called mamelukes seized control.
  • Feb 26, 1517

    Invasion in Egypt

    Ottoman troops invaded Egypt.
  • Suez Canal

    The Suez Canal was opened.
  • Overthrew King Farouk

    Abdel Nasser and other officers overthrew King Farouk.
  • Gained Rights.

    Nassers new government gained the right to vote and to run for office.
  • Improvement In Womens Rights.

    A revised personal stsus law somewhat improved womens rights within the family.
  • Hoshi Mubarak.

    president Hoshi Mubarak met with other regional leaders.
  • Egypt Becomes A Monarchy

    Britain gave up absolute control and Egypt bacomes a monarchy.