Edward Jenner is born
Edward Jenner was born. -
Jenner began apprenticing for Daniel Ludlow when he was 12.
When Jenner was only twelve he began apprenticing for Daniel Ludlow. He apprenticed for nine years until he was 221 -
Jenner began experimenting with cowpox
In 1773, Jenner began his experiments with cowpox, trying to find if there was a vaccination for smallpox. -
Jenner began testing his vaccine theory on a young boy
On March 14, 1796 Jenner injected pus from a milkmaids arm that was infected with cowpox, into a young boys arm. He then had to wait several days for the side effects to fade. -
Jenner found the vaccintaion for smallpox.
Jenner had already injected cowpox into a young boys arm and the effects of it had faded. He then injected smallpox into his arm adn was amazed to see nothing happen. -
Jenner discovered his vaccination when he was 47.
When Jenner was 47 he discovered that being infected with cowpox would prevent you from getting smallpox. -
Jenner's vaccination became a law
In this year Barrania makes it a law to have this vaccination because smallpox was so deadly. -
Jenner's vaccination became a law to have in Denmark
Jenner's vaccination became a law
In this year Norway makes it a law to have this vaccination because smallpox was so deadly. -
Jenner's vaccination becomes law
In this year Russia makes it a law to have this vaccination because smallpox was so deadly. -
John Snow is born
On the 15 of march, in 1813, John Snow was born in a house in York, England -
Jenner's vaccination became a law to have in Sweden
birth of louis pastuer
omg hes was born -
Joseph Lister is born
Joseph Lister was born in Upton, England. -
John Snow witnesses cholera
In 1831, John Snow (an apprentice surgeon) witnesses a cholera victim, and while working he gets his idea for his hypothesis that he will have in 17 years. -
all smallpox vaccinations other than Jenner's was banned in London
The government had banned all other smallpox vaccinations because Jenners was so effective. -
louis patuer became a chemist
louis pastuer has choosen another career -
Robert Koch is born
Robert Koch is born -
Major target or smallpox was very young babies in London
John Snow writes a book
John Snow made a book on anesthetic, and the inhalation of them -
John Snow has a theory
John Snow argues that cholera enters it's victim by the mouth, and then rest and multiply in the gut of the victim. This theory is correct. -
Lister is inspired by Louis Pastuers article
John Snow Maps Cholera Outbreak
John Snow made the map of the 1854 cholera outbreak in London, England. He then stopped the epidemic using this map of the victims. -
louis became dean of science
louis pastuer became the dean of science for the univerity of lille -
Broad Street pump handle is removed
In 1854 The Broad Street pump handle was removed, which then stopped the epidemic of cholera in the Broad Street area, in London. The pump is removed because of John Snow's work with mapping the epidemic. -
louis pastuer is asked a brewing qestion
louis pastuer was ask to find why beer was going sour after brewing -
louis found the brewing answer
he found the answer to the sour wine,beer,&cheese.
the sourness was casued by mircoorganisms in the liquid
he solved this by heating them to well beyond boiling point. to the point where the beer evaporates into the air -
John Snow dies
On June 16, 1858, John Snow died, probably from wrong doasages of an anesthetic. Snow is known to have used himself for many of his tests with anestheics. -
Lister becomes a professor of surgery at Glasgow University
Joseph Lister taught at Glasgow University -
Lister reduces surgical mortality by 15%
Lister brought the average number of people dying from surgery down by 15% -
Lister uses acid on a patient's wound for the first time
Lister first used carbolic acid but later switched to boric acid because carbolic was to strong. Boric acid had the same affect on wounds ut was much safer. -
Lister is made leader of the Royal Infirmary in Scotland
Joseph Lister writes an article
Robetr Koch was District Medical Officer for Wollstein
Robert Koch was District Medical Officer for Wollstein from 1872-1880. This position put him one step in the front rank of scientific workers. This also allowed him to go to Egypt and work on cholera. -
professors published Robert Koch's work in a botanical journal
When professors published Robert Koch's work in a botanical journal, this instantly got him famous and well knwo by all people. -
Koch published results of staining and photographing bacteria
Robert Koch published his results of staining and photographing bacteria did further important work on the study of diseases caused by bacterial infections of wounds. -
Listerine is created
Lister introduces catgut ligatures
Koch found the tubercle bacillus
He also found a method of growing it in pure culture. This was a major break in his caree and this helped people understant this disease more. He found a way to cure it and studied it so he can identify it and know what it is all about. -
Koch was sent to Egypt to investigate an outbreak of cholera
It was also here where he discovered the vibrio that causes cholera and brought back pure cultures of it to Germany. He was the Leader of the German Cholera Commission. -
Robert Koch makes rules for the control of epidemics of cholera
On the basic of the mode of distribution of the cholera vibrio, Koch made rules for the control of epidemics of cholera which were approved by the Great Powers in Dresden and made the methods of control which are still used today. -
oh no he died
louis pastuer died of old aged -
Koch went to South Africa to study the origin of rinderpest
This helped him discover ways to limit this outbreak though he was hoping to discover the cause. Rinderpest is a viral infectious disease that infects mostly cattle and is sometimes called the cattle plague. Also he published his work on tuberculosis. -
Lister is made a baron by Queen Victoria
Koch published observations from journey to India and Africa
Robert Koch published his observations of malaria, blackwater fever, and surra of cattle and horses and plague from his journey to India and Africa. -
Koch was sent to Africa and made important observations
Robert Koch was sent to German East Africa to study East coast fever of cattle and he made important observations on the disease and on pathogenic species of Babesia and Trypanosoma. -
Robert Koch is rewarded Nobel Prize
Robert Koch was rewarded Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. -
Robert Koch dies
Robert Koch dies at age 67. -
Joseph Lister dies
Lister died in England in 1912