the timeline of the cotton gin

By pablin
  • the inventor of the catton gin

    the inventor of the catton gin
    Eli Whitney
  • the cotton gin created

    the cotton gin created
    the cotton gin creat by Eli Whitney a pioneer in the mass production of cotton
  • Effects of the Cotton Gin

    Effects of the Cotton Gin
    the price of slaves increased dramatically through mid century
  • effect of the gin cotton on the grown of cotton

    effect of the gin cotton on the grown of cotton
    More farms had to be started and more workers were needed
  • effect of the cotton gin on the production of cotton

    effect of the cotton gin on the production of cotton
    cotton gins process more cotton in one day day than fifty workers could produce
  • monroe wins reelenction and loses only one vote

    monroe wins reelenction and loses only one vote
    Monroe was re-elected with all but one electoral vote. A myth has arisen that one elector deliberately voted against him so that George Washington would remain the only unanimously elected president.
  • gernaral andrew jackson invades florida

    gernaral andrew jackson invades florida
    Jackson in 1818 pursued Indians into Spanish Florida and again occupied Pensacola.he want to force Spain to sell the Floridas to the United States. Jackson resigned his commission in 1821.
  • Adams-Onís Treaty

    Adams-Onís Treaty
    The treaty was named for John Quincy Adams of the United States and Louis de Onís of Spain . It fixed the western boundary of the Louisiana Purchase as beginning at the mouth of the Sabine River and running along its south and west bank to the thirty-second parallel and thence directly north to the Río Rojo (Red River).
  • the missouri compromise approvement

    the missouri compromise  approvement
    in this agreement the territory of Missouri was admitted as a slave state, the territory of Maine was admitted as a free state, and the boundaries of slavery were limited to the same latitude as the southern boundary of Missouri: 36° 30′ north latitude.
  • the monroe doctrine

    the monroe doctrine
    declared that the western hemisphere was off-limits to further colonization at the hands of Europe. During the drill session is The nations of Europe should not establish any new colonies in the Western Hemisphere
  • john quincy adams elected president

    john quincy adams elected president
    this election involved three major figures in American history, and was decided in the House of Representatives. One man won, one helped him win, and one stormed out of Washington denouncing the entire affair as “the corrupt bargain
  • the erie canal

    the erie canal
    The Erie Canal is a waterway in New York that runs about 363 miles from Albany, New York on the Hudson River to Buffalo, New York at Lake Erie.t was the first transportation system between the eastern seaboard (New York City) and the western interior (Great Lakes) of the United States that did not require portage, was faster than carts pulled by draft animals, and cut transport costs by about 95%.
  • nat turner's rebellion

    nat turner's rebellion
    Nathaniel "Nat" was an American slave who led a slave rebellion in Virginia.this slave rebellion killed approximately 55 white people, the highest number of fatalities caused by slave uprisings in the South.
  • texas becomes an independent nation

    texas becomes an independent nation
    Formed as a break-away republic from Mexico by the Texas Revolution, the state claimed borders that encompassed an area that included all of the present U.S. state of Texas, as well as parts of present-day New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming.
  • the trail of tears

    the trail of tears
    The Trail of Tears was the relocation and movement of Native Americans.Many Native Americans suffered from exposure, disease, and starvation while en route to their destinations, and many died, including 4,000 of the 15,000 relocated native americans
  • U.S. declares war on mexico

    U.S. declares war on mexico
    The Mexican–American War was an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of the 1845 U.S.
  • gold is discovered in california

    gold is discovered in california
    News of the discovery soon spread, resulting in some 300,000 men, women, and children coming to California from the rest of the United States and abroad.[2] Of the 300,000, approximately 150,000 arrived by sea while the remaining 150,000 arrived by land.
  • the fugitive slave law is passed

    the fugitive slave law is passed
    This was one of the most controversial acts of the 1850 compromise and heightened Northern fears of a 'slave power conspiracy'. It declared that all runaway slaves be brought back to their masters.
  • uncle tom's cabin is published

    uncle tom's cabin is published
    Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel had a profound effect on attitudes toward African Americans and slavery in the United States, so much in the latter case that the novel intensified the sectional conflict leading to the American Civil War.[1]
  • president franklin pierce makes the gadsden purchase

    president franklin pierce makes the gadsden purchase
    The Gadsden Purchase (known as Venta de La Mesilla, or "Sale of La Mesilla", in Mexico[2]) is a 29,670-square-mile (76,800 km2) region of present-day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that was purchased by the United States in a treaty signed by President Franklin Pierce on June 24, 1853, and ratified by the U.S. Senate on April 25, 1854. The purchase was the last major territorial acquisition in the continental United States.t is named for James Gadsden, the Ame
  • the kansas nebraska act is passed.

    the kansas nebraska act is passed.
    It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. The Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30´.