Week One
Week one starts after the end of ones menstrual cycle. Some women get symptoms such as bloating or nausea (aka morning sickness). At one week there is only a clump of cells and no fetus -
Week Two
At week two the lining of the uterus begins to thicken and form a sac for the fetus to be carried in. Also at this time, the eggs begin to go into the fallopian tubes and start ovulating where the sperm then meets the egg, and fertilization starts -
Week Three
At this time, the fertilized egg makes itself into the uterus . The cells that determine the genetic makeup and sex of the baby are formed at this time as well. The egg at this time starts to move deeper into the uterus -
Week Four
Week four is when implantation begins. At this time, the fertilized egg is known as a blastula and it is rapidly splitting into more cells. The embryo starts to develop quickly and implants itself into where the placenta will develop (it is the size of a poppy seed!) -
Week Five
Week five starts the development of amniotic fluid and the placenta also starts to grow. At this point, the embryo begins to get nutrients and oxygen from the placenta as well (size of an orange seed!) -
Week Six
The first blood vessels start to develop and so do the optic nerves and the heart begins to beat. The cells also prepare for the legs and arms to start developing (baby is now the size of a grain of rice) -
Week Seven
The major organs are beginning to form and the heart starts beating with only one chamber. The vocal chords start to form, the mouth starts to form and so do the ears. (the size of a blueberry) -
Week Eight
The limbs of baby develop and the face starts to take shape. The mouth also starts to form and eyes are now visable. (baby is the size of the kidney bean) -
Week Nine
The facial features further develop which includes the formation of the tip of the nose, the upper lip, and the eyelids. The toes and fingers begin to look more defined and the major components to the heart are developed. This is also the time where bones form! (baby is the size of a cherry!) -
Week Eleven
Cartilage solidifies into bones and the baby is able to stick their tongue out where they are developing their taste buds. The teeth are also almost done forming in the gums (The baby is now the size of a brussel sprout) -
Week Twelve
The face of the fetus is starting to now look more human like and the fetus begins to move much more. The fetus also now has fingernails, toenails, and it is able to such its own thumb (the baby is a size of a apricot) -
Week Thirteen
At this point, there is a possibility that the gender of the baby can be seen because the external genitalia can be seen. The ribs become more defined at this time too. (the baby is now the size of a large plum) -
Week Fourteen
This marks the start of the 2nd trimester. The nose and ears are now fully developed and the cheekbones can now be seen. There is urine forming in the kidneys and for females, the ovaries start to move lower into the pelvis. With boys, the prostate gland starts to form. (the baby is now the size of a peach!) -
Week Fifteen
At week 15, the arms start to move and the lungs start to develop. The skin on the baby is very thin at this time too (the baby is now the size of an apple!) -
Week Sixteen
The baby is still developing its lungs and is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. The fetus is also learning different expressions on its face (it is now the size of an avcado!) -
Week Seventeen
Stool is now becoming created. The skeletal system is almost all bone now instead of cartilage. The umbilical cord is now stronger and thicker and giving more nutrients to the baby ( the baby is now the size of a cantaloupe!) -
Week Eighteen
Vernix is now forming on the babies skin which protects the babies skin for the future. The fetus is able to hear now and may even hear your voice or your heart beating (the baby is now the size of a bell pepper!) -
Week Twenty
At this time the mother will begin to feel more movement from the baby and the baby can hear the mother voice. The skin is getting thicker and the heart can be heard with a stesthoscope now. Sensory development begins now (the baby is now the size of a banana!) -
Week Twenty-one
More fat is found on the baby and blood marrow is now starting to kick in and create red bloodcells. The baby is starting to get sugar from the amniotic fluid it injests (the baby is now the size of a large carrot!) -
Week Twenty-three
Eyebrows are visible on the babies face and the ears now have hardened. The baby has more movement and can move up and down (the baby is the size of an eggplant!) -
Week Twenty-four
The baby is now able to survive if born early and the eyelids can be seen much more clearly. The rest of the respiratory system are starting to get stronger (the baby is now the size of an ear of corn!) -
Week Twenty-seven
This marks the start of the third trimester. At this point the baby can open and close its eyes. The brain is still rapidly developing at this time (the baby is the length of a cucumber) -
Week Twenty-nine
The babies brain is at work creating neurons. The babies muscles and lungs are still improving and the fetus can now feel pain and can taste. (the baby is now the size of a squash) -
Week Thirty-eight
The baby may be in the birthing position at this time. The babies skin will start to lose its wrinkles -
Week Thirty-one
The babies lungs and digestive system are almost fully matured at this point. The baby can clearly hear loud noises -
Week Thirty-three
The baby is still practicing using its lungs by taking in amniotic fluids. The baby is now just growing hair instead of the fuzz they had before -
Week Thirty-four
The babies fat starts to build up in their arms and legs. The baby has a very good chance of survival if born now -
Week Thirty-five
The babies reflexes are all now ready. The lungs have almost finished being completly developed. The baby continues to move -
Week Thirty-seven
It is very likely that a mother will go into labor at this time. The baby may start to move downwards and the water would then break -
Week Thirty-nine
The baby is ready for birth and is in its final position which is head down -
Week Fourty
The baby is now fully developed and is ready to be born -
Week Thirty-two
The skin continues to thicken and fingernails and toenails are completly formed. The baby does not move as much as the space in the uterus is getting smaller as it grows -
Week Ten
This is the point where the embryo is officially a fetus. The fetus has developed movement and the facial structures such as the jaw nose and mouth cavity have been made. Hair begins to grow and fingerprints can be seen on the skin of the fetus (the baby is now the size of a strawberry!) -
Week Nineteen
Hair is now seen on the scalp and the gender of the baby can be seen. The hearts beats can also be seen by ultrasound. If the baby is female, the uterus, tubes, and vagina find their place (the baby is now the size of a mango!) -
Week Twenty-five
The hands are now fully developed and the brain is developing quickly. The babies sexual organs are now fully developed and the structures of the spine are also developing (the baby is now the size of a cauliflower!) -
Week Twenty-six
The babies eyes will now start to open and there are still breathing movements being made even though there is no air going into the lungs at this time. The baby will now be able to feel touch because their sensory nerves will be more formed (the baby is the size of a red cabbage!) -
Week Twenty-eight
The eyes are starting to move and the milk teeth are fully developed under the gums. The branches of the lungs are much more developed and are very strong(the baby is the size of a head of cauliflower) -
Week Thirty
The baby is now able to self regulate their temperature and the baby is still getting more fat under their skin. The baby is also able to dream at this time -
Week Thirty-six
The baby may start to appear more chubby as more fat is added onto the body to prepare for when they are born. The mom will probably start to feel strong contractions -
Week Twenty-two
Weight gain for the baby rapidly speeds up at this point the baby now has a sleeping schedule. The baby reacts to loud sounds (the baby is now the size of a papaya)