Month 4 week 14-17
The baby is 9cm long and 1.5 ounces in weight. The fingerprints are developed. The pancreas start to develop -
Month 5 week 18-21
The baby is now 15-16 cm long, and weighs around 200 gm.The baby is moving all around your uterus, and you may feel these movements. -
Month 6 week 22-26
The baby is 28cm long; his weight is over 450gm. HIs eyes are formed but no pigmentation of the iris yet. Blood is pumped at a rate of 4miles/hour. -
Month 7 week 27-30
The babys hearing is fully developed. The baby is starting to move around more and all its bones are building more, -
Month 3
The baby is the size of a olive. His or her fingers and toes are getting longer. The baby is now called a fetus no longer an embryo. -
Month 8 week 31-35
The baby is 42cm in length, 1.60 in weight. Fat accumulates under the skin. Fetal movement may awake you at night. -
Month 9 week 36-40
The baby is 2.75 kg in weight , and 48 cm in lenght. The movements may slow down and would expect 10 movements a day -
week 1-4
Pregnancy has started and the baby is starting to form -
Period: to
40 weeks
Month 2 week 5-8
The baby is still tiny but it's heart , brain , spinal cord , muscle and bones are beginning to develop