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3 Years of Utter Regret

  • 6th Grade

    I finished my first middle school year with a lot of confusion. One was I was in the wrong class for half the year which was reading elective, they then put me in a regular ELA class which wasn’t any harder. Another was why people were dating a breaking up within weeks of when their “relationship” began. One more was why we need 6 separate classes and missing what we had in elementary school.
  • 7th Grade

    Okay this year all I cared about was attention and not knowing of how ignorant I was. After my 6th grade year I tried to pass all my classes and I did, it just wasn’t as pretty as I expected. I then got into the felling of wanting a girlfriend or something like that. I obviously wasn’t ready for that and went the whole year just having enough mileage to pass my classes.
  • 8th Grade

    At this point I was lucky to even pass my core classes as the vehicle was running on all flat tires, engines backfiring, and no cooler for the Arizona heat. I just about managed to finally see what I’ve done wrong the past 2 years and though about fixing myself. I didn’t commit and decided on trying next year as a freshman. The only thing on my mind was being the class clown and I was a clown to some degree, just not the funny kind, more the annoying, leave me alone clown.