
4.1 Key Changes Timeline

By RClay
  • Behavior Problem Manifests

  • Implementation of Classroom Behavior Plan

    *Staff works with student to develop plans to modify the learning environment
    *Modify learning environment
    *Provide student with skills that enable them to meet their needs w/o using behaviors that limit their abilities or violates the rights others
  • Determine Eligibilty

    Determination is made based on the disability category under IDEA 97
  • Evaluate Student

    *Parent/ Teacher refers student to local education agency (LEA)
    * Parent gives signed consent
    *Existing data reviewed
  • Assessment of Student

    *Identify behaviors specific to culture to ensure validity
    * Use behavior rating scales (BRS)as one piece of information in the process
    *BRS needs to interpreted by someone skilled in analyzing and interpreting the results
    *Results shared w/ parent
  • Create IEP

    IDEA 97 reqires IEP teams addressing behavior problems to attend to specific guidelines.
    *Explore need for strategies
    *Formulate functional behavior assessment
    *Address the needs related to idevelopment & mplementation of interventions
  • Placement Decisions

    Placement decisions are a critical component in the service delivery model for students with EBD
    *Placement should be in least restrictive environment (LRE)